Saturday, January 30, 2016

Kellogg's vows to cut hundreds of tons of sugar from children's cereals, but only after being financially threatened by the U.K. government

(NaturalNews) Major soft drink and cereal manufacturers in Britain have pledged to reduce sugar content in their products, but only to avoid a new ‘sugar tax’ being considered by Prime Minister David Cameron.Cereal giant Kellogg’s has promised to use 723 tons less sugar in all…

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Chinese scientists genetically engineer monkeys to be autistic

(NaturalNews) In a controversial study that has been slammed by animal rights groups, scientists in China have engineered autistic macaques using a human “autism gene” that has been linked to autistic symptoms. The study hopes to find a treatment for the poorly understood disorder…

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There are 'fracking' chemicals in your toothpaste, detergents and ice cream

(NaturalNews) Most people take measures to ensure that the items they use in their homes on a daily basis are not on par with things that are considered unsafe for their bodies or the environment.However, researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder have discovered that…

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Drive-thru supermarket invention allows people to keep getting fatter on processed junk foods without even having to leave their cars

(NaturalNews) An immobile, self-crippling generation of processed, junk food dependents may have something to look forward to in the near future. A new drive-thru supermarket invention is poised to capitalize on consumer laziness, providing a unique drive-thru shopping experience…

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One-third of people over 90 can retain and recall new info just as well as young people

(NaturalNews) Growing older isn’t exactly something we look forward to. But fortunately, there are some things we can do to keep our brains sharp as we enter into our senior years. Keep Your Brain Young, written by Guy McKhann and Marilyn Albert, examines memory function in the elderly…

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U.S. missile defenses rendered totally obsolete by Mach 10 hypersonic missile developed by China

(NaturalNews) China has just conducted the third flight test of a hypersonic missile which has the potential of breaching U.S. missile defense systems. The successful flight test of the Wu-14 hypersonic glide vehicle was carried out early in December, following two other tests which…

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Friday, January 29, 2016

Is the Gulf Stream broken? NOAA satellite data sounds alarm

(NaturalNews) It’s no secret that the weather is becoming more severe as time goes on. From places like Buffalo, New York, which recently got hit with a hefty 5 feet of snow during one storm, to other areas that experience extreme temperature fluctuations from one day to the next…

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Home schooling parents tasered, pepper-sprayed, children taken because of a neighbor complaint about a "messy home"

(NaturalNews) More and more, Americans who are guilty of nothing more than noncompliance with the status quo are being targeted by an out-of-control system that bears virtually no resemblance whatsoever to the nation’s constitutional founding principles.The latest example of …

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Jury decides that 'climate necessity' excuses criminal actions, renders 'not guilty' verdict

(NaturalNews) To a liberal – especially a climate change activist – there is no such thing as the rule of law when it comes to saving the planet. In fact, when the planet is at stake, then anything goes.That’s the only way to explain how a jury in one of the country’s…

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Flint, Michigan, still harassing public with past due water bills even though water is contaminated with toxic lead

(NaturalNews) On January 5, a state of emergency was finally declared in Flint, Michigan. Having switched back to Detroit water in October 2015, the city of Flint still had a long way to go before their lead-poisoned water was once again safe to drink.Nevertheless, it seemed as…

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North America being bathed in radiation from Fukushima... alarming levels now 1,000 times above normal for alpha particles

(NaturalNews) Official data reported at the National Conference on Radiation Control shows that the U.S. has been experiencing a huge spike in radiation from Fukushima. Levels are considered to be far exceeding the federal regulatory limit, with nearly 1,000 times the normal amount…

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from Tumblr radio host and citizen journalist Pete Santilli arrested in Oregon standoff, charged with conspiracy against the U.S. government

(NaturalNews) To all Natural News readers: I normally wouldn’t be posting this article on Natural News, as we’ve switched all politics and liberty coverage over to But with all the rumors and speculation now circulating about Pete Santilli, I thought it important to…

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Group of scientists gave standing ovation for plan to kill 90 percent of human population with airborne Ebola

(NaturalNews) Some clues about the origins of the latest Ebola outbreak may be found in the contents of a speech given at the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science back in 2006. Professor Erik Pianka reportedly told his audience that the best way to kill off 90 percent of…

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Stage 4 cancer survivor speaks the truth about cancer

(NaturalNews) A diagnosis of cancer can bring immense fear, anxiety and feelings of hopelessness. Most newly diagnosed patients and their family members will listen closely to what their physician tells them is the best avenue for treatment, then follow that advice, relying completely…

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36 children die in war-torn Syria from UN measles vaccines; government claims vaccines were intentionally sabotaged

(NaturalNews) It isn’t as if the current civil war in Syria has not already taken a ravenous toll on the Middle Eastern country’s children, but so, too, has a recently administered measles vaccine that the Assad government claims was sabotaged.According to a mid-September report…

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Chinese hackers have been unleashed onto Taiwan over Chou Tzuyu Taiwan flag row

(NaturalNews) A South Korean entertainment company, criticized for forcing a teenage Taiwanese K-pop star to apologize for waving a Taiwanese flag on South Korean TV, has had its website taken down by hackers, a spokesman said Tuesday.JYP Entertainment represents the singer, Chou…

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The illusion of choices in choosing a restaurant - Toxic factory food from a handful of suppliers

(NaturalNews) There are dozens of chain restaurants from which we can choose when we go out to eat. Some are fast-food eateries with counters for ordering, and others are traditional sit-down table service restaurants. Probably McDonalds is the most well-known fast-food chain, but…

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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Survey: 63 percent of American families can't afford $1,000 ER visit

(NaturalNews) Things are better today in America than they were during the first few years of the Obama presidency, when the Great Recession was in full swing, and unemployment was high.Or so we’re told.While the employment rate is certainly lower today than at its peak of…

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Government 'experts' claim all alcohol, including red wine, is bad for you: Here's why they're wrong

(NaturalNews) In its first major overhaul of national alcohol consumption recommendations in 20 years, the British government has set the lowest recommended limits of any nation in Europe, and emphasized the idea that there is no “safe” level of alcohol intake.In doing so, the…

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Coming soon: human head transplants to allow people to live forever?

(NaturalNews) It sounds like something straight out of a science fiction movie, but an eccentric Italian surgeon is claiming that the world’s first head transplant has taken place.As reported by the UK’s Daily Mail, Dr. Sergio Canavero says that researchers in China have successfully…

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Big Pharma drug trials critically injure six, leaving one brain dead; mainstream media points finger at marijuana not used in experiment

(NaturalNews) A Portugal-based drug maker is being accused of trying to conceal details about a clinical drug trial that went severely awry earlier this month, leaving one person brain-dead and four others seriously injured. The trial took place in Rennes, France, and was conducted…

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22,000 nurses across America refuse to submit to risky, mandatory vaccines

(NaturalNews) “The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” These are the wise words of Ayn Rand, who at a young age witnessed the confiscation of her father’s business by Russia’s communist Bolshevik…

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Working with pesticides raises women's risk of diabetes

(NaturalNews) It’s no secret that certain factors such as mass body index (BMI), race and family history are among the main contributors associated with diabetes development. While such risk factors still play a role, a new study has found that there’s likely another reason behind…

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Grain terminal in North Dakota 100% dedicated to non-GMO harvests

(NaturalNews) In a move that further reinforces the wave of health-consciousness that’s sweeping the nation, a newly-acquired North Dakota grain terminal has its sights set on creating and maintaining a fully non-GMO facility.Captain Drake, LLC’s million-bushel grain terminal…

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U.S. medical infrastructure collapsing as drug shortages in emergency rooms skyrocket by 400%

(NaturalNews) Emergency rooms play a crucial role in the proper functioning of health care in the United States. During any given year, 45% of American people visit the ER, but a recent study published by the Academic Emergency Medicine journal suggests that not all of them can receive…

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The real purpose of Wikipedia is to SUPPRESS human knowledge, not document it

(NaturalNews) There is a reason why Wikipedia – which boasts that it is the world’s biggest online encyclopedia – is not considered a valid academic source by thousands of professors and most reputable colleges and universities: Because it isn’t one.According to a…

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The virus vs. humanity: Rapid spread of Zika virus causes governments of South American nations to plead with women, 'Don't have any more babies!'

(NaturalNews) It’s become the latest mega-virus to spread to countries around the world, and like the deadly Ebola virus that was just recently declared contained – though the disease killed someone in Sierra Leone after the declaration was made – its spread has stumped…

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Robots will obliterate America's middle class and unleash mass unemployment, social chaos and global populist revolts

(NaturalNews) In the next generation or so, highly capable robots will obliterate America’s middle class by displacing tens of millions of workers.We’re already seeing it take shape. Check out this robotic crop production facility that uses robots to produce 30,000 heads of fresh…

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CDC channels Natural News, now says whooping cough vaccine doesn't work... but recommends more vaccines anyway

(NaturalNews) It seems that the CDC’s only mission is to acquire immunity against its own errors. Even though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is known to promote vaccines that incur over 20 possible side effects, including deafness, coma and permanent brain damage,…

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If you buy Apple devices, you're supporting child slave labor that's used to mine rare elements used in manufacturing

(NaturalNews) How would you feel if you found out that your laptop, smartphone, iPod, iPhone and tens of other consumer electronics started out in a small African village, in a place where irresponsible corporate management allows children to mine poisonous heavy metals? Believe it…

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Science backlash after EPA to add totally inert argon to list of banned pesticide ingredients

(NaturalNews) The scientific community is in an uproar after it was learned that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning to ban an inert gas, one that occurs naturally in the air we breathe, from being used in pesticide formulas.According to the agency, the…

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China has cyber capability to take down U.S. power grid, warns NSA

(NaturalNews) The U.S. is vulnerable to cyber attacks from China and other countries capable of shutting down the power grid and disabling vital infrastructure, according to Admiral Michael Rogers, head of both the National Security Agency and the U.S. Cyber Command.Rogers recently…

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The NINE REALMS of mass awakening happening right now

(NaturalNews) Across nine crucial realms for humanity, more and more people are now waking up and seeing the truth, from consciousness and spirituality to food transparency and financial truth.In this intriguing podcast, I cover the nine greatest areas of human awakening that…

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Pharmaceutical companies fight marijuana legalization to keep patients addicted to opioid painkillers

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is constantly finding ways to bypass state laws that sanction medical marijuana and harass providers who are operating under those state laws. They are overt and obvious with their application of federal laws.The Drug Enforcement…

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Global supplies of food and medicine now in a state of collapse... learn to grow your own food or STARVE

(NaturalNews) On January 13, which seemed nothing more than a usual Wednesday, something truly historic happened. Our planet’s trading ships, those awe-inspiring behemoth trading platforms that carry essential grains, cement, coal, iron and other raw product around the world simply…

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Horseshoe crab populations in decline as Big Pharma snatches half a million each year to slowly drain their blood for vaccine tests

(NaturalNews) As pharmaceutical “science” advances, it leaves a trail of carnage in its wake. Did you know that vaccine manufacturers are immune from all liability? The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVIC) was created by the US Congress in 1986 to circumvent the judicial…

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Biological men can now compete against women in the Olympics by claiming they're women

(NaturalNews) It has just gotten easier for Olympic-caliber male athletes who always found themselves just a couple ticks away from winning a medal, to finally bring home the gold, silver or bronze: Just deny your gender.That’s right. As noted by Breitbart News, all male Olympians…

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Western chocolate corporations causing new 'Dust Bowl' in third-world countries with destructive cacao farming practices

(NaturalNews) The effects of the Western World’s less-than-ideal way of farming, coupled with its need for greed, are being felt in countries across the globe – and that’s definitely not a good thing. In particular, cacao farmers are left scratching their heads, frantically…

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Carcinogenic chemicals from New York defense plant spread through local groundwater

(NaturalNews) The toxic industrial solvent trichloroethylene, or TCE, which emanated from a Bethpage, New York plant that used to manufacture aerospace technologies, is spreading and fast-encroaching on public water wells that may affect some 250,000 residents living in nearby Nassau…

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Mainstream media touts flawed study claiming that exercise increases body fat

(NaturalNews) Serving as further evidence of how little the mainstream scientific community understands about nutrition and health, a new study recently published in a reputable health journal makes the outrageous claim that exercise can actually cause some people to gain weight in…

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Cancer-causing candles? Some scented candles and air fresheners produce deadly chemicals that could give you cancer

(NaturalNews) With the exception of those sensitive to fragrances, the majority of folks enjoy delicious smelling aromas wafting through their homes. This is often achieved through the use of scented candles, but unfortunately those candles you love so dearly may be having unintended…

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Mankind's destruction of the ecosystem causing rapid spread of Zika virus that causes horrific birth defects

(NaturalNews) Call it Mother Nature’s revenge …The spread of a once-rare disease that causes birth defects – and which may also be linked to cases of another paralyzing disease – is almost certainly related to mankind’s destruction of ecosystems.The disease –…

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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Brain-dead California government: Fukushima radiation is safe, but Aloe vera might give you cancer

(NaturalNews) Americans have every reason not to trust incompetent government authorities, especially when that government disregards the threat of cancer-causing radioactive elements in the water. Americans have every reason to despise a government that lies to the public and says…

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EU chief scientist says precaution is 'irrelevant' regarding GMOs; gets called a 'dangerous imbecile' by Risk Engineering expert

(NaturalNews) After EU chief scientist Anne Glover stated in an interview that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are so safe that the precautionary principle is “irrelevant,” noted risk engineering expert Nassim Nicholas Taleb of New York University shot back, calling her a “dangerous…

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Canadian government orders residents to get rid of their old wood-burning stoves or pay thousands of dollars in fines

(NaturalNews) In a blatant attack on those who prefer living as self-sufficiently as possible, citizens of Montreal have been ordered to first register their wood-burning stoves, and then ultimately get rid of them within three years, unless they meet rigid air quality standards.The…

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Russian group launches large-scale, long-term GMO safety study to test Monsanto's transgenic corn

(NaturalNews) A study that is estimated to cost $25 million, run over the course of three years and experiment on thousands of rats by feeding them Monsanto genetically modified maize and the herbicide it’s made with is in the works, expected to go into full swing in 2015.The…

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The latest science horror: Baby monkeys genetically engineered to suffer from autism symptoms... NATURE science journal celebrates 'breakthrough'

(NaturalNews) The latest horror from science is being hailed by the science journal Nature as a breakthrough for brain research, but it involves genetically engineering baby monkeys to cripple them and make them cognitively stunted and “autistic.”“The laboratory monkeys run obsessively…

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Why are HIV carriers with no symptoms considered criminals, while Ebola carriers with no symptoms are called 'virus-free'?

(NaturalNews) If Ebola really is as dangerous as the mainstream media continues to claim it is, then why are possible Ebola carriers like nurse Kaci Hickox being treated as “virus-free” while HIV carriers continue to be prosecuted as criminals?In case you weren’t aware, individuals…

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The seven most extreme childhood allergies coincide directly with vaccine ingredients

(NaturalNews) During the first year of life children are injected with known carcinogens and neurotoxins. Then, children develop strange food allergies, some so severe they can’t even be in the room when someone takes out that food, like peanuts. Let’s take a hard look at vaccines…

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CT scans increase your risk of cancer by 35 percent

(NaturalNews) Medical imaging technology has provided physicians with a nonsurgical method for discovering, diagnosing and monitoring injuries and diseases. Rather than a hospital stay and invasive procedure, patients can undergo a CT scan with little discomfort or down time.But…

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