Monday, May 9, 2016

FDA admits drug, medical device approval process is a bribery system based on who pays the most

(NaturalNews) The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is once again having to both defend the legitimacy of its bloated existence, and petition Congress to pass legislation that will allow it to continue collecting “user fees” from Big Pharma in exchange for drug approval. And during…

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Science 'skeptics' are really just a HATE group using Internet anonymity to trash natural health community... FBI called on to investigate

(NaturalNews) In the ashes of the Civil War, notes the Bolen Report in a recent blog post, an original American hate group, the Ku Klux Klan, was founded.Shrouded in secrecy, its members targeted blacks but also Jews, European immigrants, Roman Catholics – anyone whom they…

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Researchers claim that a holistic handling of mealtime environments could help seniors resist succumbing to dementia

(NaturalNews) Dementia is a devastating illness that wreaks havoc on every aspect of a person’s life, and one of the biggest dangers it poses is its negative impact on people’s eating habits.Many people believe that dementia is an illness that mostly affects the brain, but the…

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Couple creates their own nature sanctuary from land deemed 'unusable,' demonstrating wildlife's amazing ability to bounce back

(NaturalNews) When they bought 55 acres of abandoned land from debt-ridden farmers who were struggling to grow crops in 1991, Pamela and Anil Malhotra had one vision in mind: to show the world Mother Nature’s incredible ability to regenerate itself when given the opportunity. That…

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Cornell University abandons science, goes all in for GMO propaganda and biotech corporate interests

(NaturalNews) Cornell, one of the world’s leading academic institutions, has abandoned scientific objectivity, writes Stacy Malkan - and instead made itself a global hub for the promotion of GM crops and food. Working with selected journalists and industry-supported academics, Cornell’s…

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Undeniable evidence from numerous studies proves that fluoride causes cancer

(NaturalNews) The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) recently released a document called Evidence on the Carcinogenicity of Fluoride and Its Salts that highlights the many health hazards caused by the consumption of…

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California may be on the brink of a monster earthquake, as experts warn the San Andreas fault is 'ready to go'

(NaturalNews) As Californians go about their daily lives, many of them remain blissfully unaware of the threat lurking in the background: a monster earthquake that scientists say is long overdue.Southern California Earthquake Center director, Thomas Jordan, remarked that the fault…

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Why you can never trust the pesticide industry's own safety tests

(NaturalNews) Pesticide companies rigorously test their products before turning them loose on the public, right? Because if not, wouldn’t they stand a grand chance of being wiped out by a mass class-action suit if their products turned out to really be harmful?Not really, it turns…

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Report: Nearly a quarter of all fish sold in stores, restaurants is mislabeled

(NaturalNews) Fish consumption is on the rise in the US, particularly as an increasing number of Americans look to bolster their diets with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and various other nutrients found in many varieties of fish. But a recent Consumer Reports investigation has found…

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Health Ranger update: Science laboratory, EPA watch water test results, Nutrition Rescue vitamin C donations, Ranger Buckets and more

(NaturalNews) I wanted to give everybody an update on some of the key projects we’re pursuing right now: Our science laboratory, the EPA watch water test results, our “Nutrition Rescue” vitamin C donations, and the status of our Ranger Buckets (storable organic food).For starters…

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If Flint officials get arrested for poisoning children with lead, why aren't CDC officials being arrested for poisoning children with MERCURY?

(NaturalNews) In recent days, and likely after much hand-wringing, a trio of state and city officials have been indicted for poisoning scores of mostly African American residents in the city of Flint with water containing dangerous amounts of lead.As reported by The Associated…

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More proof the Clean Food movement is winning: Del Monte joins fast growing list of corporations eliminating GMOs from their products

(NaturalNews) With the increased public pressure and negative press around the growth of GM crops, more and more corporations are opting out of using GMO products in their ingredients – and Del Monte is the latest food giant to make the switch.The move from Del Monte comes…

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Vitamin D helps overweight toddlers reduce body fat

(NaturalNews) Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, plays a significant role in the absorption of calcium. Our bodies need calcium to build bones and keep them strong. Despite the name, vitamin D is actually considered a hormone and not a vitamin.Unlike other vitamins…

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Demons walk among us: The Five Stages of Awakening, explained by the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) We are all witnessing a mass awakening sweeping across the planet. Over just the last several weeks, millions of people have newly awakened to all the following astonishing truths they never would have believed just a year ago:• The EPA knowingly allows children…

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Finding science in acupuncture

(NaturalNews) This article title is taken from a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article by Belinda Beck, WSJ health writer. She turned in a good journalistic effort, undergoing treatments herself for chronic neck and back pain.After two sessions, she felt better. Beck did her due journalistic…

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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Doctors link mass suicides, schizophrenic episodes among farmers to pesticide exposure

(NaturalNews) Previous reports have linked mass suicides among farmers in India to mounting debt and crop failures as a result of GMO crops, particularly cotton, as it was forcibly converted to patented, transgenic varieties owned by large agrochemical companies. But now we’re learning…

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Study: Mammography screenings responsible for causing more mastectomies and breast cancer

(NaturalNews) The theory upon which the cancer industry bases its endorsement of mammography alleges that the screening, which involves a blast of radiation directly into the breasts, helps to detect breast cancers early, and helps women avoid mastectomies.However, a Norwegian…

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GMO mosquito company being investigated over alleged violations of U.S. securities laws

(NaturalNews) According to a report by GM Watch, GMO mosquito firm Oxitec is being investigated – and share prices have dropped dramatically. Oxitec is owned by a big biotech firm called Intrexon, which has been accused of misleading investors and potentially violating U.S….

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Another huge benefit of sunshine exposure: Nitric oxide production boosts cardiovascular health

(NaturalNews) As sunlight shines through the sheets of rain, we stare in awe at the arcing rainbow of colors appearing across the sky. Perhaps this beautiful geometry and spectrum of colors is an indication of an eclectic palette of medicines existing in the sun’s rays. For a moment…

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Glyphosate found to accelerate growth of human breast cancer cells, even at ridiculously low concentrations

(NaturalNews) The adverse effects of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup Ready herbicide, continue to mount. According to an alarming study, published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, glyphosate, even in ridiculously low concentrations, can accelerate…

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Which cereal brands are whitewashing their GMO-ridden, pesticide-laden products as 'natural'?

(NaturalNews) It is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate grocery store aisles and identify products that are truly natural and organic. Even at many popular health food stores and grocery chains, brands are tacking on the word “natural” to their products, even when they contain…

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Saturday, May 7, 2016

After warning people to never see VAXXED, establishment science trolls are now telling people they shouldn't watch 'Climate Hustle' either... ever wonder why?

(NaturalNews) Establishment science shills have been quite busy lately in their attempts to suppress free speech in America – the latest example involving the newly released documentary film Climate Hustle, which is receiving the same sort of bashing by mainstream science cheerleaders…

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Pentagon continues secret work on Internet voting system that would make it easier to rig elections

(NaturalNews) The Defense Department has been sued by a nonprofit watchdog organization after failing for more than three years to divulge results of testing on the security of online voting systems that are used more and more often by Americans casting absentee ballots.According…

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Study: Processed meats increase pancreatic cancer risk by up to 67 percent

(NaturalNews) The latest research on health problems caused by processed meats indicates that they are responsible for dramatic increases in cancer rates among men and women who consume larger quantities.Last year, the World Health Organization issued new guidelines that warned…

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New mom left paralyzed by epidural anesthetic

(NaturalNews) A 34-year-old British woman was left paraplegic – paralyzed from the waist down – after receiving “routine” epidural anesthesia during the birth of her first child.Irrum Jetha can now only move around via wheelchair, suffers chronic pain, and goes through…

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Man contracts HIV while on HIV protection drug that's supposed to be over 90 percent effective

(NaturalNews) In the first case of its kind, a man has contracted HIV even while taking the HIV-prevention drug Truvada, according to doctors from the Maple Leaf Medical Clinic in Toronto. The research was presented at the 2016 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections…

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Cocamide DEA to be removed from some cosmetic products

(NaturalNews) Unknowingly lathering up in cancer-causing chemicals, consumers often have no clue that their cosmetic products are full of cellular disrupters. With no warning labels for potentially harmful ingredients, cosmetic products are consumed en masse, as consumers openly trust…

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Starbucks now serving up a full dose of electropollution with coffee

(NaturalNews) Starbucks is the largest coffee shop chain in the world. Its popularity stems from trendy marketing, appearance and comfortable, upbeat stores more than quality coffee. Their latest gimmick is meant to attract iPad and cell phone users with wireless phone chargers on…

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Health Ranger launches and to cover the 2016 presidential elections (and beyond...)

(NaturalNews) It looks almost certain now that the 2016 presidential election will come down to Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton. Because we don’t cover politics on, we’ve just launched two cutting edge news websites to bring you all the latest on these two candidates…

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Friday, May 6, 2016

Cauliflower's range of nutritional benefits are numerous and long-lasting

(NaturalNews) When was the last time you had a nice, hot helping of steamed organic cauliflower with your main dinner course, or just cut some up fresh as a mid-afternoon snack? If it’s been a while (and you’re thinking about adding one more veggie to your garden this year), now is…

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Proof of biofields? Dogs' hearts found to beat in sync with their owners

(NaturalNews) The concept of biofields – fields of energy that extend beyond the body – forms the major basis of many types of traditional, holistic and alternative medicine. Now, scientific support for this idea may have come in the form of an experiment performed on…

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Restoring cellular energy - The key to optimal health

(NaturalNews) When most people think about their health, they think in terms of symptoms and treatments. Conventional medicine promotes this way of thinking by merely focusing on outward signs of disease without much attention to the cause. The most obvious (important) area overlooked…

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Avoid these foods from China: they are filled with plastic, pesticides and cancer-causing chemicals

(NaturalNews) Generally speaking, quality control and employee health are not issues that Chinese industry or the Chinese government are overly concerned about, especially in comparison to U.S. and European standards. But there are some foods and products you should definitely avoid…

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VA hospital found to be serving up cockroaches in meals to patients ... U.S. medical care continues plunging toward Third World status

(NaturalNews) When it comes to “reform” at the nation’s largest healthcare delivery system – which is government-run, by the way – change doesn’t come easy, or at all.New reports have surfaced that there is a vermin and insect infestation in the kitchen of a suburban…

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Hanford nuclear facility a far greater threat to the West Coast than Fukushima ... Here's why

(NaturalNews) Although much attention has been focused on the threat posed to the U.S. West Coast by radioactivity from the 2011 Fukushima disaster, an even greater threat has gone largely ignored, warns nuclear historian Robert Jacobs of the Hiroshima Peace Institute.That threat…

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Enjoy the Health Ranger's top FIVE most inspiring music videos!

(NaturalNews) Over the last decade, I’ve written, recorded and produced 16 songs and music videos covering everything from mass awakening to the TSA’s abuse of travelers (“Don’t Touch My Junk”).Click here for all my downloadable songs and music videos, spanning a wide range of…

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U.S. giant Dannon announces plan to remove all dairy supplies and farmers who don't comply with GMO-free standards

(NaturalNews) Some goliaths must fall (like Monsanto), for all the suffering they cause, but other giants can be transformed from the inside out, through a change in heart. That’s what is happening to the top US yogurt producer Dannon.The entire company is having a positive change…

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What's killing the bald eagles? Mysterious circumstances surround the death of 18 endangered birds

(NaturalNews) There is a strange phenomenon occurring with the endangered bald eagle population in Maryland: 18 of the magnificent birds have died in recent weeks, and wildlife investigators are stumped as to why.As reported by National Geographic, a person in Sussex County, Delaware…

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The healthiest ketchup is homemade: Learn how to make your own with organic tomatoes, adding a powerful antioxidant force to everyday meals

(NaturalNews) Could ketchup be the hero of American condiments? In the U.S., 97 percent of all households report having a bottle in their fridge. While the origin of ketchup is anything but American, we seem to love this overly processed sauce.Today, the main ingredient in ketchup…

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Scientific fraud published in reputable medical journals has soared more than 1700 percent since 2004, says report

(NaturalNews) The alleged gold standard of the double-blind, peer-reviewed scientific study is not looking so gold these days, especially after a recent report in The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) unearthed some of the scandalous secrets hiding in plain sight in modern science. Such secrets…

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Belgium taking on proactive measures to supply citizens with iodine pills against nuclear terrorism

(NaturalNews) The Belgian government plans to begin distributing iodine pills to all citizens and residents in preparation for any radiological disaster, a decision that comes following an ISIS-inspired terrorist attack that, in a roundabout way, also involved one of the country’s…

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BIZARRE: Denmark may tax red meat as part of 'ethics' law that claims to halt global warming

(NaturalNews) It’s official: The global warming-climate change loonies have officially taken over the asylum, at least in Denmark, where a ‘respected’ panel just made one of the most incredibly short-sighted and dumb recommendations to the national government.As reported by the…

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FDA to unleash nationwide SWAT raids on vaping stores? Huge regulatory assault now imminent

(NaturalNews) The Food and Drug Administration’s massive regulations covering tobacco and smoking should have been enough to satisfy the agency, but no – when Americans began turning to what many believe is a safer alternative, e-cigarettes, the little Stalins at the agency…

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MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH: Hemp cannabidiol (CBD) product approved by Brazilian government for treatment of cancer

(NaturalNews) In a stunning medical breakthrough for humanity, a hemp cannabidiol (CBD) product from Medical Marijuana, Inc. has been approved by the government of Brazil as a treatment for cancer. The product, called Real Scientific Hemp Oil (RSHO), is also approved by Brazil as…

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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Hidden calories galore: Don't be tricked by 'healthy' fast food items

(NaturalNews) If you think that you are doing yourself a favor by ordering some of the so-called “healthy” items off of fast food menus, think again. The Daily Mail has revealed that a number of breakfast menu items purporting to be healthy actually contain just as much fat and sugar…

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The long-term effects of even low dosage glyphosate exposure can wreak havoc on your body

(NaturalNews) Monsanto’s blockbuster herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) can cause serious health problems even at very low levels of exposure, according to a new study conducted by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Abacus Enterprises and published in the International…

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How Big Food silences dissent and censors debate about real nutrition

(NaturalNews) Just how far is Big Food willing to go to silence dissenters and control the marketplace of ideas?It was recently reported that investigative journalist Nina Teicholz was uninvited from a panel discussion to be held at the Consumer Federation of America’s National…

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Low levels of arsenic may decrease head circumference at birth, according to Dartmouth study

(NaturalNews) Arsenic is one of the most toxic elements in the world, and millions of Americans unknowingly consume it every day. It’s been known for some time that arsenic increases the risk of heart disease, as well as skin, bladder and lung cancers. Adding to the list of potential…

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Turmeric shown to boost memory and attention span in the elderly in recent study

(NaturalNews) Turmeric is the spice that makes everything nice, including memory. The compound responsible for turmeric’s yellow color, curcumin, has been shown to boost the memory and attention span of older adults, as reported in a recent study.Turmeric has long been treasured…

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CDC discloses that flu vaccinations fail 50 percent of the time

(NaturalNews) We’ve all heard the horror stories of people suffering injury and even death from the flu shot. Now, to add insult to injury, the CDC has admitted that the flu shot does not prevent the flu in most cases. A statement taken directly from the CDC’s website reads:“While…

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