Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Big Pharma uses your tax dollars to advertise deadly drugs to you - and Hillary Clinton promises to stop it

(NaturalNews) Is Democrat presidential contender Hillary Clinton the one White House hopeful who can put a stop to Big Pharma’s fleecing of the American taxpayer? She says she is and, as far as that goes, she’s the only one so far to address it, but more on that in a moment.As…

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Houston police admit they're not able to protect citizens; the beginning of the end of public police protection is here

(NaturalNews) About a decade ago, the U.S. Supreme Court decided a landmark case that many believed would have major implications for public safety.In June 2005, the high court - in overturning a lower court’s ruling - said that local police had no constitutional duty to protect…

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No one is responsible when government agencies make mistakes, but they are quick to go after ordinary Americans who make such errors

(NaturalNews) The federal bureaucracy is massive, expensive, all-powerful and completely unaccountable to the very public that funds it. A recent incident involving the Environmental Protection Agency is a classic example.In recent days, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, who is…

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The unknown consequences of GMOs threaten the very future of food and humanity

(NaturalNews) The rapid advances in agriculture involving the use of genetically modified foods and seeds has progressed largely without a great deal of scrutiny, leaving millions of Americans wondering about their effects on humans and the environment. While GMO pushers and the government…

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DHS and FEMA now using U.S. hospitals to monitor and arrest patients wanted by government

(NaturalNews) Has the Department of Homeland Security’s “See Something, Say Something” initiative, which started following the 9/11 attacks, created a nation of spies? Yes, say a growing number of Americans and others who have been caught up in it.A recent case in point involves…

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Chances are, your body is already contaminated with cancer-causing glyphosate

(NaturalNews) Although many people try to be healthy by eating well, exercising regularly and surrounding themselves by positive people, the sad truth is that despite these efforts, their health is likely already in jeopardy. Odds are, thanks to exposure to cancer-causing chemicals…

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NORAD moving communications gear into underground bunkers to protect against EMP attack

(NaturalNews) The Pentagon has recently announced that it will be moving sensitive and important communications equipment to nuclear-hardened Cold War facilities to protect against electromagnetic pulse events that could occur naturally, from sun bursts, or from overhead detonations…

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Wheat and multiple sclerosis - why and how gluten exacerbates symptoms

(NaturalNews) There are many people who believe the whole “gluten intolerance” “gluten free diet” craze is nothing more than a sham, another diet scam created to market specialized foods to the masses. They are wrong. Unfortunately, many of them will continue to suffer from autoimmune…

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Big Pharma in death throes? Drug companies jack up prices as economically strained Americans seek affordable alternatives

(NaturalNews) People are tired of being used as pawns in a rigged economy. They’re sick of a medical system that abuses them for everything they’re worth. People are beginning to abandon the rules of the game, exiting a complicated medical system that has played them for a fool. People…

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Biotech industry hired evil PR firm that uses criminal tactics, NSA and government thugs to destroy opponents

(NaturalNews) In recent days, several mainstream and alternative news outlets such as The New York Times,, and U.S. Right To Know (USRTK) have published stories revealing the incestuous and profitable relationship between Big BioAg and scientists, the latter of whom sell…

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North Carolina to deny children an education if they don't submit to dangerous vaccine shots

(NaturalNews) Count North Carolina among the growing number of states terrorizing young students and parents with vaccine violence, while at the same time threatening to deny them the long-established fundamental (and taxpayer-supported) right to an education.As reported by WSOC…

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CPS worker charged with felony evidence tampering after child starved to death

(NaturalNews) A one-time supervisor for Texas Child Protective Services who was arrested for tampering with evidence in connection with a much-publicized 2012 case in Abilene involving the death of a child from dehydration and starvation is set to go on trial, as reported by local…

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Vaccine profiteer Paul Offit admits to fabricating lies about vaccine safety advocates

(NaturalNews) He’s one of the mainstream media’s darling vaccine fanatics, but Paul Offit of Philadelphia Children’s Hospital is an unabashed liar and fraud. This king of quackery has been caught on numerous occasions fabricating defamatory and completely made-up fables about vaccine…

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Detox cheap and effectively without fasting - Lemonade & salad recipes

(NaturalNews) A very thorough detox can be expensive and challenging to complete. Some people who are very sick, or otherwise very toxic, need this kind of detoxification protocol, but most don’t, and most cannot afford to spend hundreds, or even thousands of dollars on supplements…

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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sabotaged? Grassroots effort to overturn SB277 forced vaccine bill claim hundreds of thousands of signatures are missing

(NaturalNews) A major grassroots effort to overturn California’s recently passed SB277 forced vaccination bill came to an end yesterday as volunteers reached the Monday deadline to submit signatures they have worked tirelessly to collect over a three-month period.To immediately…

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EBT card system fails nationwide as feds probe social reaction to food stamp cut-off

(NaturalNews) On September 16, a problem with the SNAP EBT (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Electronic Benefit Transfer) system was reported by thousands of people in several states.The outage prompted some interesting theories about why people were suddenly unable to…

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Fukushima disaster has become hopeless - act now to save your family from future radioactive catastrophes

(NaturalNews) Efforts to clean up the ongoing radioactive mess at Fukushima have failed once again after an experimental robot “died” just three hours into a roving expedition inside Unit 1, one of three reactors at the Japanese nuclear complex that experienced a meltdown following…

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Is there such a thing as 'ethical' vaccines with clean ingredients that protect children's health?

(NaturalNews) A Seattle-based pharmaceutical group claims to have come up with a new vaccine formula that does away with the aborted human fetal tissue and other toxic contaminants used in the manufacture of traditional vaccines. The Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) is…

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Chinese man goes missing after agreeing to sell his kidney for an iPhone

(NaturalNews) Apple’s new iPhone 6s is among the most coveted consumer tech items on the market, and people are willing to go to great lengths to obtain one. In fact, two men in China reportedly were so enamored of the device that they were willing to go a little further than most…

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Multiple sclerosis, and vitamin D, B12 deficiencies

(NaturalNews) All nutrients have a role to play in health. When we are found to be deficient in particular vitamins or minerals, it could be that we are not eating enough foods that provide them or our state of health may be such that we are unable to properly metabolize and process…

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(NaturalNews) If you’ve been reading Natural News for a while, you might have noticed a sidebar on the main page covering topics such as Health News, Preparedness News, Finance News, Science & Tech News and more. We have now combined all of these news categories and put them on their…

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Science worshippers claim science "corrects itself", but this fraudulent study on antidepressants proves that scientific fraud lingers for decades with no correction

(NaturalNews) In 2001, a study was published that had many people singing the praises of an adolescent antidepressant chemically known as Paroxetine. Since then, it’s been sold in the UK as Seroxat and in the US as Paxil. That study, which was published in the Journal of the American…

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Government hounds Nazi-founded Volkswagen over pollution lies while ignoring these Nazi corporations killing Americans

(NaturalNews) It seems that some public policies are more important than others when it comes to the Obama Administration and other leftist regimes around the world.In recent days, the U.S. government and, perhaps eventually, others in Europe and Asia, lashed out at Volkswagen…

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UK government to require registration of all religious leaders

(NaturalNews) In September 1620, pilgrims from England set sail for the “new world,” hoping to find new opportunities and escape religious persecution. Today, hundreds of years later, its possible British subjects might once again be forced to flee religious oppression.Canada’s…

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Pope Francis chides Americans for wanting border security while Vatican City keeps people out with massive walls

(NaturalNews) Without question, Pope Francis’ much-anticipated and historic visit to the United States recently did not live up to everyone’s expectations – for those who are and are not Catholic [full disclosure: I am Catholic].Count me as one who was disappointed.There…

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STATINS RED ALERT: Widely prescribed drugs act as cellular poisons that accelerate aging... deactivate DNA repair... promote diabetes, muscle fatigue and memory loss

(NaturalNews) The statin drugs prescribed to over 100 million people around the world have now been exposed as cellular poisons that accelerate aging and promote muscle fatigue, diabetes, memory loss and more.Scientists at Tulane University in New Orleans found that statin drugs…

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EPA decision to destroy environment with bee-killing pesticides overruled by federal judge

(NaturalNews) In a rare demonstration of justice, the United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled against a recent decision by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to approve a new neonicotinoid pesticide known as “sulfoxaflor,” because its manufacturer, Dow Chemical…

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Regulators' war on Americans: FDA covers up crimes for Big Pharma; EPA for chemical companies; USDA for biotech; and CDC for vaccine industry

(NaturalNews) Once upon a time, federal regulatory agencies charged with approving fully tested and verified safe products for the U.S. market and pulling those that were found to be dangerous or cause sickness made decisions based on the best interests of the public. But sadly, those…

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Maine Supreme Court rules that State can vaccinate children against will of parents

(NaturalNews) Four out of five Supreme Court justices in the State of Maine think that parental rights concerning vaccination are moot in the event that the State takes custody of a child. In a landmark ruling that sets a dire precedent for health freedom, the Court decided in a recent…

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US national debt is so bad now that the U.S. Treasury has simply stopped reporting it

(NaturalNews) “Officially,” the U.S. national debt has frozen in time, though “unofficially” it continues to grow at a frenetic pace.What’s going on? Did the federal government suddenly become fiscally responsible and we are no longer accumulating country-destroying debt?If…

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Monday, September 28, 2015

NASA ends cover-up and finally admits water flows on Mars... but still won't admit to proof of life on the red planet, known as a fact since 1976

(NaturalNews) After years of covering up the truth about flowing water on Mars, NASA has finally come clean and admitted what we’ve been telling you for years here on Natural News: water flows on Mars.I’ve covered this many times in radio interviews, articles and discussions about…

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Elmo is a corporate whore pushing vaccines for Bill Gates and Big Pharma's Merck

(NaturalNews) Just when you thought the world of vaccine-pushing folks couldn’t get any more bizarre, the face of a new pro-vaxxer has recently emerged, and it’s in the form of a fuzzy, giggling red puppet.Cutting to the chase, Elmo – that’s right, the cute-sounding, inquisitive…

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Message to a new generation of true science/medical reporters

(NaturalNews) After covering medical/science scandals and deep fraud for over 30 years, I have some words of advice for people just entering the field. (Story by Jon Rappoport, republished from’m talking about independent reporters who want to discover the…

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Radioactive cesium-137 from Fukushima now detected off coast of Canada

(NaturalNews) The first radioactive material from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster has now been detected in the coastal waters of North America, according to a study conducted by researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.“Radioactivity can be dangerous, and we should…

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No coincidence that exposed Monsanto shill Kevin Folta lies like Hillary Clinton, Bride of Frankenfoods

(NaturalNews) Embattled Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton and disgraced University of Florida plant scientist Prof. Kevin Folta have a great deal in common: they are both very skilled at being dishonest and both are shills for agri- and biotech giant Monsanto.If…

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Abortion industry execs discuss how to manage profits of selling 'fresh' gonads harvesting from human baby boys in investigative video

(NaturalNews) U.S. abortion provider Planned Parenthood offers only the freshest baby body parts to its biotech clients in exchange for top-dollar payouts, reveals a top-level official from the controversial women’s group in the latest video expose to be released by the Center for…

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The best cure for insomnia

(NaturalNews) A chronic lack of sleep not only affects your work, your relationships, and your enjoyment of life, it also wreaks havoc with your hormonal system, your immune system, and your body’s ability to heal in every way (we regenerate while we sleep).You don’t need to resort…

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How to kill a Google robot

(NaturalNews) Horror movie enthusiasts delight in the idea of a zombie apocalypse. So much so that some people have promulgated “how to kill a zombie” guides on the internet. Although there is plenty of information on the web about how to kill zombies, there is little information…

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Omega-3 fatty acids naturally protect cardiac tissue after a heart attack

(NaturalNews) While many people may think that life post-heart attack means facing a series of health challenges and related difficulties, a new study from the American College of Cardiology (ACC) has found that that isn’t necessarily true.(1)Consumption of omega-3…

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Liberal professors urge Obama to target climate change skeptics with RICO act while ignoring mafia tactics of Monsanto, Big Pharma

(NaturalNews) You can always tell a liberal from a constitutionalist: the latter believes in the nation’s founding principles and the rule of law as is; the former wants to use laws, statutes, courts or presidential authority to force others to accept their point of view.That…

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Women given 100% higher preference than men for career advancement in scientific community

(NaturalNews) It’s not the narrative that many progressive pundits in the mainstream media like to acknowledge, but it nevertheless appears to be true: Women are not widely disparaged or discriminated against in the workplace.According to the Washington Post, this is becoming…

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Racist university enrollment system forces Indian man to pretend to be black to gain acceptance

(NaturalNews) The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, one of two proposed and ratified in the immediate post-Civil War period (1868), deals primarily with ensuring due process and equal protection under the laws of the United States.Since its ratification, the amendment…

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Earth will only have a 12-hour warning before massive solar storm wipes out grid - are you prepared?

(NaturalNews) It has been well over a century since the last major solar storm hit the earth, but sooner or later, it will happen again. It’s only a question of when, and many scientists believe that the recurrence of such an event is overdue.In fact, scientists claim that the…

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Don't feed Candida - replace your sodas and juices with this lemonade recipe

(NaturalNews) Did you ever see the movie Little Shop of Horrors? If you did, you’ll remember that cute, little, alien plant pleading, “Feed me, Seymour!” If you live with an overgrowth of Candida, you have a billion little monsters crying, “Feed me, Seymour!” all day, every day. Their…

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So-called "fact checker" websites are the biggest liars of all

(NaturalNews) It is always smart to question political candidates when they make their claims, but it’s even wiser to question the “facts” advertised and perpetuated by the mainstream media. Those who work for the consciousness of the mainstream media are bound to please the industries…

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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Two raging grannies take on the global banking cartels... full streaming of acclaimed film on Natural News plus launch of revolutionary Oral Health Summit

(NaturalNews) This coming week, there are two can’t-miss online events you need to know about:First, I’m headlining the launch of the Holistic Dentistry Summit, featuring truly lifesaving knowledge from 34 oral health experts, holistic dentists and patients who saved their own…

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Washington Post claims citizens have no right to decide how Food Stamp recipients spend tax dollars

(NaturalNews) Should taxpayers who subsidize the existence of other Americans, through the forced confiscation by government of their wealth, have no say whatsoever in how their money is spent?Not a peep, according to a recent opinion piece in the Washington Post by Kentucky-based…

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The radical left's desecration of U.S. history and culture now starting to resemble a Stalinist purge

(NaturalNews) Radical American progressives have always fancied themselves “revolutionaries,” but a more apt description might be “authoritarians,” for if they had their way, your choice of expression, speech, belief system and especially political leanings would either match theirs…

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The lies just don't stop: White House's "transparency" website hides federal spending from public

(NaturalNews) President Barack Obama is perhaps the greatest revolutionary ever to set foot in the White House, and that’s not a compliment. The man who promised you could keep your doctor and your health care plan, and that your rates and deductibles would fall as well, once also…

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Navajo Nation removes tax on healthy produce, raises tax on junk food in public health effort

(NaturalNews) In December, Berkeley, California, became the first city in the U.S. to pass a soda tax. Navajo Nation, however, is taking this one step further. After almost four years of legislative battle and several attempts, Navajo Nation will become the first place to implement…

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