Monday, August 31, 2015

From abortions to vaccines to chemotherapy: How modern medicine is steeped in a culture of death and denial

(NaturalNews) The standard medical approach in the West is to bombard the body with drugs and poison whenever there’s an ailment, rather than try to prevent illness by fortifying the body through nutrition and healthy living. This reactionary approach, or what many recognize as the…

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Monsanto wants to replace the bees they are killing with genetically engineered flying ants

(NaturalNews) Ecologists refer to bees and a few other select organisms as keystone species. This term is analogous to the keystone of an arch. Remove the wedge-shaped stone at the top, and the entire structure collapses.Bees are a keystone species because they are the world’s…

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Saturated fat helps reverse metabolic syndrome and prevents diabetes

(NaturalNews) Rather than increasing the risk of heart disease and diabetes, certain saturated fats may actually reduce the risk, according to a study conducted by the National Marine Mammal Foundation and published in the journal PLOS ONE.The most heart-healthy saturated fat…

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Violence and looting grip Venezuela as socialist country struggles to feed citizens

(NaturalNews) As economic conditions continue to deteriorate in Venezuela thanks to socialist government policies that have wreaked havoc on businesses, industry and imports, the decay of civil society is also progressing as rioting, looting, and other disruptive actions are becoming…

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Dementia now striking people in their 40s as mercury from vaccines causes slow, degenerative brain damage

(NaturalNews) Dementia and other neurological brain diseases are striking people younger and younger, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Bournemouth University in England and published in the journal Surgical Neurology International. These diseases have reached…

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Doctors will be made obsolete by emerging AI diagnosis systems

(NaturalNews) Nearly everyone with internet access has, at one point or another, used an online diagnostic tool when trying to identify an illness. It’s a sure-fire way to scare the heck out of yourself – almost invariably, you will find that many of your symptoms appear to match…

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Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt killed over 500 large game animals on a single safari in 1909

(NaturalNews) I was reminded just how much times and attitudes have changed in America over the course of a single century after witnessing so much outrage domestically and abroad over the killing of an African lion by a Minnesota dentist in July.In particular, I was reminded…

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EPA now a top polluter in America, unleashing a toxic spill full of heavy metals and shutting down the water supply for millions

(NaturalNews) Had it been done by a private company – say, an oil company or via fracking – the massive toxic contamination of a major U.S. river system would have been front-page news for weeks in the environmentally-conscious liberal mainstream media.However, when…

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Gestapo tactics: Obama's IRS also targets family members of his political enemies, including Bristol Palin

(NaturalNews) A myriad of scandals – nearly too many to track – have plagued the presidency of Barack Obama practically since he took office, and one of the most damaging and frightening involves his Internal Revenue Service.You may recall that circa 2011-2012, Lois…

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Fox News now promoting integrative cancer care as cancer industry keeps killing patients

(NaturalNews) A household name in mainstream news has given a surprising nod to cancer therapies other than the usual chemotherapy and radiation routine. Fox News, in a piece asking the question “Are you making the right choices?” suggests that cancer patients seek out integrative…

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Scotland to ban GMOs to protect citizens' health; US government refuses to label GMOs despite support from 93% of citizens

(NaturalNews) Founded as a representative republican democracy, America became the first country in the modern world to be ruled by the principle of the consent of the governed. Today, some 240 years after the beginning of our War of Independence, that notion seems like little more…

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The Nazis were huge supporters of abortion, calling it a "freedom of choice" issue for women

(NaturalNews) Most Americans would agree that the Nazi regime founded by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s was one of the most racist, ruthless and vile governments ever formed in the history of the planet. Unfortunately for backers of abortion – especially abortion on demand –…

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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Why do government agencies do the opposite of what they say? EPA pollutes, DEA runs drugs, ATF smuggles guns, FBI plots terrorism

(NaturalNews) The Affordable Care Act that isn’t affordable and has raised health insurance rates and the cost of healthcare.The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act, designed to improve food labeling but which actually bans states from enacting their own GMO labeling requirements…

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EU Food Safety Authority can't hide the names of 'experts' who change pesticide risk assessment rules, court decides

(NaturalNews) In what proponents are calling a “landmark” decision in favor of transparency in Europe, the EU Court confirmed in a recent ruling that protecting health and the environment is a higher priority than protecting the confidentiality of experts who have, at times, changed…

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Obama: Killing humans and harvesting their organs is a practice that must end... in Africa, but not in America's abortion shops

(NaturalNews) Human life is special and must be treated with dignity and respect, Barack Obama recently told a fixated crowd at the recent Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) 2015 Summit in Africa. Humans murdering other humans is “craziness,” he stated, adding that the “cruel…

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Processed grains, white bread, pasta cause huge blood sugar spikes linked to depression

(NaturalNews) A diet high in processed grains such as white bread, white flour and sugar could increase the risk of depression in older women, according to a study conducted by researchers from Columbia University that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In…

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Should GMO companies be held liable when your gut starts producing pesticides?

(NaturalNews) On Monsanto’s website, this multinational seed conglomerate makes the claim that Bt toxin engineered into its genetically-modified (GM) corn and cotton crops is “naturally occurring” and poses no threat to “humans, other mammals, birds, fish or beneficial insects.” But…

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Hospital fires leading cancer surgeon for telling the truth about medical establishment

(NaturalNews) A vicious hate campaign has been waged against an internationally renowned cancer surgeon named Joseph Meirion Thomas. At first, his superiors in the medical system tried to silence him, but now they’ve resorted to firing him.The courageous 69-year-old surgeon has…

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Subway's Jared Fogle paid $100 to have sex with a 16-year-old girl, phone records show

(NaturalNews) According to a shocking new report from Business Insider, long-standing Subway icon Jared Fogle secretly arranged to have sex with a 16-year-old girl, paying $100 for the encounter through a Craigslist advertisement.Jared, remembered for his Subway-inspired weight…

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The total dumbing down of America: Eleventh graders given assignment to read "Three Little Pigs" book for kindergarteners

(NaturalNews) For years, Americans concerned with declining educational standards on the primary level have watched as politicians in bed with the teachers unions continually make excuses for poor performances and promise to “fix” discrepancies with “more money” and “more teacher…

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Mysterious 'ectoplasm from Ghostbusters' coats West Coast where sea life once thrived

(NaturalNews) A mysterious green goo is haunting the West Coast. Local fishermen have dubbed the mystery goo as “mud” for its thickness and muddy color, and have attributed it to this year’s abysmal salmon season.Fishing nets have been pulling in more mud than Nass River sockeye…

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Negligent New Zealand parents feeding infants soda in baby bottles, causing teeth to rot

(NaturalNews) Out of the shadows of convenience and ignorance emerges a new form of parental negligence that is starting to look a lot like child abuse. Parents who have no basic understanding of nutrition and hydration are depriving and even harming their children in life-altering…

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Drug-sniffing dogs are a law enforcement hoax, signaling drug alerts even when no drugs are present

(NaturalNews) A recent ruling by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has brought into question the ability and effectiveness of so-called “drug-sniffing dogs” after judges found that one animal in Illinois was not at all competent in the task he was supposedly trained to do.The Free…

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If you're outraged over the killing of Cecil the Lion, but NOT over Planned Parenthood murdering babies for organ harvesting, you're mentally ill

(NaturalNews) The international community was in an uproar over the recent killing of “Cecil the Lion” in Zimbabwe. But very little attention, at least from the mainstream media, is being given to the Planned Parenthood scandal as brought to light by the Center for Medical Progress…

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Biotech corporation withdraws application to release GM flies in Spain, but will certainly try again soon

(NaturalNews) Environmental and civil society groups gained a victory in early August when British biotechnology company Oxitec withdrew its application to perform outdoor experiments using genetically modified (GM) olive flies in Spain. Nevertheless, the groups warn that with recent…

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Friday, August 28, 2015

The political fallout of disastrous events: 75% of those who die in a catastrophic collapse are likely to be Democrats

(NaturalNews) In terms of the really big shifts in the voting base of political parties, the largest shift happening right now is the ballooning of Democrat party voters who are illegals. The Democrats have fought hard to outlaw voter ID laws while maintaining wide-open borders, essentially…

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In the insect world, populations are enslaved by sugary snacks to alter brain chemistry and make them OBEY

(NaturalNews) At least one butterfly species has evolved the ability to drug ants into defending its larvae, according to a study conducted by researchers from Kobe University that was published in the journal Current Biology. This drugging takes place by means of a sugary liquid…

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TOY GUN CONTROL on parade: New York fines retailers $300K for selling TOY guns to NY residents

(NaturalNews) Even avid Second Amendment supporters understand the need for some reasonable restrictions regarding the ownership and carrying of firearms, but a great many restrictions that are currently being imposed by a number of jurisdictions are not just anti-gun in general,…

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Toxic algae bloom is 'eating the West Coast' as sea animals continue to die off amid Fukushima radiation plume

(NaturalNews) Scientists believe that a toxic algae bloom now stretching from California to Alaska could be responsible for poisoning marine mammals across the North American west coast. The bloom is growing in a giant mass of abnormally warm water that has come to be known as “the…

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Why antibiotics may not work for Lyme disease

(NaturalNews) For some, early treatment with antibiotics is effective. For others and for those in the late stages of infection, antibiotics may be ineffective for the following reasons:Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, has a corkscrew shape that allows…

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American CEO who raised wages of all workers to $70,000 now learning a harsh lesson in economic reality

(NaturalNews) Perhaps because he was swept up on the progressive Left’s demand for higher minimum wages or perhaps because he is genuine about his intent to take care of his employees – or perhaps both – Dan Price, the 31-year-old CEO of Seattle-based credit card processing…

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Farmers are drenching crops with glyphosate for faster harvesting

(NaturalNews) When you shop for produce and see that higher price placed on the organic varieties, chances are you think there probably isn’t that much difference between the two. Surely conventional agriculture doesn’t waste chemicals. They only use them when they need to –…

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#DroughtShaming goes berserk in California as tattlers rat out neighbors who waste water

(NaturalNews) As the years-long drought continues in California, a combination of water shortages, price hikes and state conservation measures has led to an upsurge in tattling in the form of drought shaming – the practice of outing persons publicly who are abusing water or…

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When leftists say they have the biggest hearts, they're referring to the intact organs of aborted babies

(NaturalNews) What has come to be known as “liberalism” in the U.S. today claims to embody ideals such as advancing social justice, helping the poor, leveling the playing field for all and putting “heart” back into politics and corporate capitalism. But the so-called “bleeding heart…

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Watch as amazing GcMAF treatment kills cancer cells in real time... holistic doctors 'suicided' over this stunning breakthrough

(NaturalNews) A breakthrough cancer treatment appears to be the reason why a handful of holistic doctors were recently found “suicided” is now gaining worldwide attention as a potential universal cure for cancer. And new microscopic footage released by First Immune shows this amazing…

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Socialist medicine on parade in Venezuela: Here's what happens when government runs health care

(NaturalNews) Free healthcare for everyone isn’t working so well in the socialist medicine utopia of Venezuela. A new documentary report by photojournalist Betty Zapata reveals rampant filth, lack of resources and medicine, grossly underpaid doctors, and all-around chaos at public…

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Online news overtakes TV news as America's most popular source of information

(NaturalNews) Today’s emerging youth are far more interested in getting their news online rather than from the television or print media, new statistics reveal. A biannual report released by the Alliance for Audited Media shows that “total paid circulation” for 86 of the top 125 print…

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Big Pharma, petrochemical companies and criminal banksters paid Bill and Hillary Clinton more than $100 million to give speeches

(NaturalNews) When Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton hits the campaign trail, she does her level best to portray herself and her ex-president husband, Bill, as ordinary, average Americans just looking out for the common folk.For this narrative, Hillary even has…

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Journal retraction of unethical Golden Rice study by deceitful scientist approved by judge

(NaturalNews) In 2014, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition announced its plans to retract a study that had supposedly proven that genetically engineered (GE) “golden rice” provided as much vitamin A to children as a beta-carotene supplement. The first author of that paper,…

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EXCLUSIVE: JFK autopsy 'bullet fragment' X-ray was faked, denounced as 'physically impossible' ... New forensic analysis uncovers decades of false evidence used to frame Lee Harvey Oswald

(NaturalNews) The following breaking news story comes to Natural News from Jim Marrs, one of the sharpest and most diligent investigative journalists living today.Marrs is the author of numerous eye-opening books, including his latest book, Population Control: How Corporate Owners…

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Las Vegas doctor reportedly used horse tranquilizer to subdue, then rape female patients at his practice

(NaturalNews) A sadistic Las Vegas doctor has been fondling, subduing, raping and filming patients at his practice since 2006. Many of his victims were young teenage girls. The deceptive doctor even used one victim to produce his own pornography. The victims had no clue what was being…

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3 ways to save your health prior to an economic collapse

(NaturalNews) With the recent stock market shake up, people now have a “gentle” reminder that the yellow brick road to new stock market highs each year is not sustainable. As a result of this false stimulation of the markets, the crash that will inevitably come will be as equal as…

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Celebrity endorses 'euthanasia vans' because there are 'too many old people'

(NaturalNews) British television personality and former The Apprentice contestant Katie Hopkins is well on her way into seniorhood, a stage of life that she recently told Radio Times means a person is ripe for termination. Old people, she says, should be put to sleep much like animals…

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Consumer Reports finds hamburger from grass-fed and organic cattle poses fewer health risks

(NaturalNews) Consumer Reports tested 300 samples (458 pounds) of hamburger from 103 stores from 26 cities for bacterial contamination, comparing “sustainable” meat to conventional meat. (Sustainable, in this study, referred to beef from cattle that was not given antibiotics). What…

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Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Safeway, Panera Bread harass and threaten volunteers collecting signatures to overturn Calif. SB277 vaccine mandate

(NaturalNews) Grocery stores, restaurants and shopping malls in the Sacramento area are harassing, threatening and calling the police on volunteers with the #SB277Referendum, a petition launched by Libertarian Tim Donnelly in July that would immediately halt the recently passed forced…

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Facebook has secretly been spying on your medical internet searches

(NaturalNews) Academics and scientists researching privacy on the Internet have found it difficult to actually define the parameters of their research and, specifically, what exactly constitutes “privacy” and “privacy violations."As this this study notes, for example, the study…

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GMO soybean oil found to cause diabetes, obesity at higher rate than sugar

(NaturalNews) Soybean oil is more likely to induce diabetes and metabolic syndrome than pure fructose, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Riverside and published in the journal PLOS ONE.“That was a surprise, given that most people think…

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IRS now seeks to utterly destroy all Christian colleges by revoking their tax-exempt status

(NaturalNews) The head of the Internal Revenue Service has made a weak and unconvincing pledge that his agency would never intentionally target Christian colleges and other religious-themed institutions over their views regarding gay marriage.During a Senate Judiciary Committee…

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Beyond diet and exercise: Most doctors still ignore the 'secret' to optimal healing

(NaturalNews) If you or someone you know gets diagnosed with cancer or any other life-threatening disease – what should you do? Conventionally speaking, the answer has been to ‘declare war’ on the illness and expose the body to a variety of toxic chemicals and risky surgical…

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Conformist, hipster iPhone users rave about iOS9 upgrade... but it's actually Android installed on their iPhones

(NaturalNews) A pair of Dutch comedians recently came up with an ingenious plan to test whether fans of Apple’s iPhone care more about the brand or the features: they managed to install a version of Android on an iPhone and told passersby that it was a sneak preview of Apple’s forthcoming…

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