Friday, July 31, 2015

Handicapped people concerned that legalization of physician-assisted suicide would eventually target them for "voluntary euthanasia"

(NaturalNews) The so-called “death with dignity” movement faces mounting challenges from a growing segment of society that sees it as a slippery slope towards “voluntary euthanasia.” Patients who perceive that their quality of life is irrevocable might opt to end their lives prematurely…

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Innovators combine popular religious symbol with essential iodine to solve widespread nutrient deficiency

(NaturalNews) Idea makers from the Singaporean advertising agency Grey Group and the Neelvasant Medical Foundation and Research Centre in India have developed a new concept for addressing nutrient deficiency that combines the prevalence of a popular religious symbol with the discreet…

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Cultivate sexual energy to increase health and longevity

(NaturalNews) It’s been known since ancient times, especially in many Eastern medical and martial circles, that sexual energy is the most powerful energy in the body and can be used to achieve increased health, energy, strength, healing, longevity and enlightenment.The Chinese…

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Brussels sprouts: A powerful food with cancer-fighting potential

(NaturalNews) The cruciferous family of vegetables, which contains vegetables like broccoli, kale and cauliflower, get a lot of attention in the media. The health benefits of these veggies are immense. They are full of fiber to help with weight loss and digestion. They are packed…

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If leftists can nullify voting and immigration laws, can conservatives nullify election results?

(NaturalNews) America has degraded into a rule of law free-for-all, where literally anything goes as long as it meets certain political correctness requirements. It’s now okay, for instance, to break immigration laws if you’re entering the U.S. illegally from another country, but…

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Gut microbes - are yours making you fat?

(NaturalNews) Did you know that your gut is interacting with bacteria every day to do more than help you digest food and that the gut is unique to every individual? Scientists have only recently become more aware of the existence of a complex network of nerves that line our stomach…

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New 'superchilling' technique allows organic food to be preserved naturally for long-term storage

(NaturalNews) In an effort to help “purpose-driven consumers,” or those who are mindful about healthy eating habits and improving the environment, a new technique has been developed that’s likely music to their ears. Called “superchilling,” it’s a method that allows food to stay as…

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Help support national billboard campaign to warn public about dangers of fluoride

(NaturalNews) Leading the charge to protect America’s children against fluoride damage, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has launched a nationwide billboard campaign to inform parents, legislators, and health authorities about the need to immediately stop artificially fluoridating…

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U.S. government begins human trials of genetically modified Ebola vaccine

(NaturalNews) Just as predicted, vaccine companies are soon planning to unveil an Ebola vaccine in response to the manufactured Ebola outbreak that’s allegedly still spreading throughout West Africa. A genetically-modified (GM) Ebola vaccine that’s currently undergoing human clinical…

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Natural News calls for criminal investigation into Planned Parenthood's for-profit organ-harvesting operation

(NaturalNews) Following the shocking revelations contained in undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood (PP) officials negotiating prices for the profitable sale of body parts from aborted babies, the organization has since hired a crisis management public relations firm to help…

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Death-loving dentist kills Cecil the Lion after luring national icon from conservation area - sign the petition to extradite Dr. Palmer to Zimbabwe!

(NaturalNews) The worldwide outcry over the death of Zimbabwe’s famous Cecil the Lion has pushed the Internet news wheel into overdrive, with countless news sites releasing updates of where the hunters are now and what will happen next. Walter Palmer is the American dentist responsible…

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Insane academics on the left now claim the U.S. Constitution must be banned because it's racist like the Confederate flag

(NaturalNews) In the latest attempt by the new totalitarians of the Left, a political scientist and former professor says in a recently published article that the U.S. Constitution ought to be censored in order to conceal original text he finds offensive. “South Carolina’s battle…

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Violent crime surges in welfare cities where more money is spent on entitlements than policing

(NaturalNews) In case you hadn’t heard, violent crime is soaring in American cities after decades of decline, in large part because cities and states are being forced to cut policing and other security measures in order to pay their entitlement and pension bills.As reported by…

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CDC held meeting of vaccine scientists to deliberately destroy evidence linking vaccines to autism

(NaturalNews) For a government that lies about everything – fudging economic numbers, using the IRS as a political weapon and even manufacturing staged domestic terrorism events so the FBI can “catch terrorists” in the act – it’s no surprise to now learn that the CDC deliberately…

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Top 10 foods for improving blood pressure

(NaturalNews) High blood pressure (HBP) infects the veins of society. It is defined as high pressure in the arteries, which are vessels that carry blood throughout the body. HBP increases the risk for heart attack, stroke, aneurysms and kidney failure.Blood pressure is the amount…

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Goldman Sachs invests in solar panels to 'greenwash' corporate-run prison labor camps in the USA

(NaturalNews) Imagine a factory where workers are paid as little as 23 cents per hour to assemble solar panels. Sounds like an overseas sweatshop, right?Unfortunately, it’s happening right here in America, even if most of us aren’t aware of it.Georgia-based Suniva Inc, a solar…

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Five powerful green foods to boost your metabolic health

(NaturalNews) With nearly two out of every three Americans now considered to be either overweight or obese, it is no wonder that so much research and effort has gone into finding ways to help people who struggle with their weight to shed those unwanted pounds and restore their bodies…

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As you age, build muscle with double the protein

(NaturalNews) If you are over 50 years old, are you getting enough protein? If you have been following the typical recommendations, are over the age of 50 and are trying to promote muscle growth, you may not be getting enough protein. The current daily recommendations in the United…

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Learn about safe detoxification techniques on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour

(NaturalNews) With over 80,000 chemicals in our environment, it’s no wonder we find toxic chemicals everywhere – including over 200 poisons found inside the body of newborn children, confirmed by an Environmental Working Group study. These harmful substances, like bisphenol…

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California legislators who passed SB 277 to force vaccines on children now want to do the same for adults with SB 792

(NaturalNews) Now that nearly all school-age children in California have been summoned into the state’s growing medical dictatorship through Senate Bill 277, corrupt politicians are now trying to pass a companion bill that would force adults to be vaccinated in accordance with the…

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'Glyphosate is definitely genotoxic,' declares WHO scientist who authored Roundup cancer study

(NaturalNews) One of the lead scientists who helped conduct the World Health Organization (WHO) study on Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide that determined the chemical to be “probably carcinogenic” has now gone on record saying that glyphosate is “definitely genotoxic."Professor Christopher…

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Essential oils for insomnia

(NaturalNews) Tossing and turning without falling asleep can be more than annoying, as even a few restless nights can wreck havoc on your mind and body.While it is easy to pop a pill in an attempt to find some relief from occasional insomnia, Mother Nature has provided a number…

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Las Vegas spends nearly $1 billion to accelerate its plunge into devastating drought followed by economic oblivion

(NaturalNews) The multi-year drought that is baking California and draining underground aquifers at alarming rates is not just limited to the Golden State. Neighboring Nevada has also been greatly affected by it, and the state has just spent almost $1 billion to further its economic…

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Government water police state almost here

(NaturalNews) Anyone who says that liberty, freedom and individualism has thrived under the Obama administration has either been living in a cave or is far too partisan to acknowledge what’s really been going on.The Obamaites have long used the power of the federal bureaucracy…

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VA hospital kills more American soldiers than our enemies

(NaturalNews) The extent of the shameful neglect on the part of the Department of Veterans Affairs toward sick veterans seeking health care is only now becoming apparent. A leaked document has revealed that more than 238,000 veterans died while their applications for treatment were…

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100 years of patents reveal secret history of U.S. weather control programs

(NaturalNews) Have the U.S. government and American researchers been toying with the notion of controlling, changing or otherwise adapting the weather? According to this comprehensive and exhaustive list of patents, the answer is yes.In fact, researchers have spent the past century…

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Neil Young donates $100,000 to defend Vermont's GMO labeling law

(NaturalNews) Legendary musician Neil Young has joined the state of Vermont to fight big food corporations like Monsanto in one of the most important battles for honest food labeling in the United States. In May 2014, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin made history by signing the first…

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Trophy-hunting American dentist murders beloved lion Cecil with a crossbow; internet goes ballistic... Health Ranger calls for LIFETIME boycott of Dr. Walter Palmer's dentistry practice in Minneapolis

(NaturalNews) I’m warning everyone up front that this article CONTAINS PROFANITY. I can’t help it. Sometimes profane words are the only words that fit. I apologize in advance for not being able to control my word choice on this particular story. But I’m beyond outraged… I’m sickened…

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The hidden weed killer in your BREAD: Commercial wheat doused with cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide right before harvest... and you're eating it!

(NaturalNews) Now that the World Health Organization has publicly condemned glyphosate herbicide as “probably carcinogenic to humans,” awareness of this insidious chemical’s contamination of the human food supply is suddenly exploding among health-conscious consumers.Most people…

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Google's propaganda search engine distorts perceptions to control people's thoughts - try Good Gopher instead, a propaganda-free search portal

(NaturalNews) Using Google as your primary online search engine could be subjecting you to brainwashing and propaganda, as the advertising and information giant actively filters search results to push its own agenda. A prominent psychologist has warned that Google’s “filter bubble…

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Overuse of antibiotics is making kids fat, destroying gut flora and hindering child development, study suggests

(NaturalNews) Typically, the first thing that happens when people get an infection is their receipt of a quick scrawl on a doctor’s prescription pad for an antibiotic. However, rather than improving health, antibiotics are destroying it; a new study conducted by experts at NYU Langone…

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Neil Young goes on tour with pro-GMO labeling groups to promote new 'Monsanto Years' album

(NaturalNews) Neil Young is on tour for his new studio album The Monsanto Years. He has invited 12 non-profits to join him to raise awareness about the corporate takeover of farming and the food supply, environmental degradation and GMO labeling issues like the one Vermont is currently…

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Proton-pump inhibitor drugs for heartburn linked to heart attacks

(NaturalNews) New research published in the journal PLOS ONE calls into question the safety and effectiveness of a popular class of pharmaceutical drugs used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, as well as its less extreme companion acid reflux. Researchers found that…

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Rhodiola herbal extract increases fruit fly lifespan by 25 percent: Research

(NaturalNews) The history of herbal medicine is pretty amazing. All around the world, for thousands of years, herbalists and natural practitioners have developed an impressive body of knowledge about the healing properties of thousands of different plants and herbs to help treat virtually…

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REVEALED: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecule injected into humans via vaccines... spurs tumor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push

(NaturalNews) One of the world’s most lucrative industries, spending on cancer drugs reached an all-time high last year, as it was valued at more than $100 billion. Spending on cancer drugs increased 6.5 percent annually over the past five years and is expected to continue growing…

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Muscadine grape seed oil helps reduce unwanted body fat while providing vitamin E

(NaturalNews) Researchers at the University of Florida have isolated a special form of vitamin E that could stop the development of unwanted body fat. This special form of vitamin E is found in muscadine grape seed oil. Marty Marshall, a University of Florida professor of food science…

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Health insurers seek huge price increases as 'affordable' Obamacare coverage exposed as yet another government price-gouging scam

(NaturalNews) President Obama’s supporters are quick to tout his record as one of tremendous success, especially his “reform” of health care, but that is largely because they like him personally - not because Obamacare has been a rousing success.By any measure the law, which has…

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One in five Americans now on welfare as country collapses into economic desperation

(NaturalNews) By any measure, President Obama’s economic and governing policies have been a failure, most recently demonstrated by one statistic: Today, one in five Americans needs government, at some level, to survive – the highest number, proportionately, since the Great Depression…

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3,300 abortion deaths take place daily in America, so why does media focus on a handful of mass shooting deaths?

(NaturalNews) Lafayette theater-shooter John Russel Houser’s atrocious crime against the innocent movie-goers of a popular rom-com film is a shocking act of violence that has shaken the American public to its core. Public shootings immediately raise awareness of not just our vulnerability…

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AMA declares war on natural doctors, proposes gag order to silence progressive physicians like Dr. Oz

(NaturalNews) The same organization that has been trying to shut down chiropractic since at least the 1960s is now going after medical professionals like Dr. Mehmet Oz who have the opportunity to speak on television about the latest advancements in medicine. The American Medical Association…

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Oklahoma veteran could get life in prison for treating PTSD symptoms with marijuana instead of toxic drugs

(NaturalNews) Kristoffer Lewandowski, a US Marine Corps veteran, is one of the thousands of soldiers who have returned home suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. More than 13 percent of Gulf War veterans have PTSD.Lewandowski served three tours of duty; Afghanistan and…

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Stewart Parnell, former owner of the Peanut Corporation of America, may receive life sentence for contaminated peanut butter

(NaturalNews) Stewart Parnell, the former owner of the Peanut Corporation of America, and two co-defendants, his brother, food broker Michael Parnell, and the plant quality control manager, Mary Wilkerson were convicted of charges in Federal court related to knowingly shipping contaminated…

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National Geographic is the propaganda arm of Monsanto, the world's most evil corporation

(NaturalNews) Never in a million years would people think Bill Nye “the Science Guy” – who once questioned genetically modified foods and urged against them – would declare his love for altering genes. Yet after a meeting with the agricultural biotech giant, he announced that he…

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What the Amish can teach us about health and happiness

(NaturalNews) Often viewed as outcasts by mainstream society, the Amish may seem downright bizarre to the average American. Foregoing technological advancements that many of us would be lost without, the Amish have created a way of life that fosters a connection with the land and…

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Online database of psychiatric drug-linked shootings launched by the Health Ranger...

(NaturalNews) To help document the continued increase in violent shootings carried out by individuals whose minds are altered by dangerous psychiatric drugs, we’ve just launched a new website that lists and describes all the known “psych drug shootings."The site is called PsychDrugShooters…

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Top 10 toxic ingredients used by McDonald's

(NaturalNews) McDonald’s has a very complicated brand image: entirely unhealthy, yet an affordable option that is almost universally available. McDonald’s isn’t a place we go to get our nutritional needs met, and with most research connecting our Western/fast food diet directly to…

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ESPN blasted for declaring transgender reality TV star to be more courageous than child athlete with terminal brain cancer

(NaturalNews) There are admittedly all sorts of people more deserving of the Arthur Ashe Courage Award than the now-female-identifying “Caitlyn” Jenner. But sports news outlet ESPN chose to give preferential recognition to this transgender reality TV spectacle rather than truly courageous…

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U.S. Congress debates bill to let Big Pharma get more dangerous, ineffective drugs approved

(NaturalNews) A piece of legislation that will endanger American consumers by giving Big Pharma a more streamlined, quicker drug approval process that will no doubt lead to dangerous medications being marketed and sold before adequate testing has just passed a major milestone.In…

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How Big Pharma gets away with injecting children with neurotoxic heavy metals

(NaturalNews) The systematic takedown of medical freedom in the U.S. certainly didn’t happen overnight, but the disastrous fallout that we see today might appear that way. How did our once great republic degenerate from every citizen possessing an inalienable right to treat his own…

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New supplement allows those who suffer from celiac disease to digest gluten

(NaturalNews) Scientists at the University of Alberta have designed a new supplement to allow those who suffer from celiac disease to digest gluten. The supplement, derived from the yolks of chicken eggs, binds with gluten in the stomach in order to absorb the hard to digest gliadin…

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