Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Chronic health issues? It may be time to go against the grain

(NaturalNews) I really hate food labels, food pyramids, the USDA, and the FDA. (Story by Daisy Luther, republished from TheOrganicPrepper.ca)All of the stuff that they say are good for you are bad for you. And the things they say are bad for you are actually good for you.Here’s…

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Daily vitamin D supplement may prolong remission from Crohn's disease

(NaturalNews) Crohn’s disease is a difficult digestive condition marked by chronic inflammation, abdominal pain and bouts of diarrhea. According to the Centers for Disease Control, this disease effects around 200 out of every 10,000 adults here in America and can lead to serious,…

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Controversial autism vaccine researcher found dead from suspicious gunshot 'suicide'

(NaturalNews) Dr. Jeff Bradstreet’s body was found floating in the Rocky Broad River in Chimney Creek North Carolina. A handgun was found in the river. Deputies say the gunshot wound to his chest appeared to be self-inflicted.When suicide occurs, there are always questions. The…

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Norway is the best place to be a mother, researchers say. Find out what they're doing right!

(NaturalNews) Norway has been named the world’s best place to be a mother in an annual report released by Save the Children. Save the Children is an independent organization dedicated to helping children throughout the world and has been producing the State of the World’s Mothers…

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France bans the sale of glyphosate

(NaturalNews) France is the latest country to ban the private sale of Monsanto’s favorite carcinogen - glyphosate. France has been in the alternative news quite a bit lately, asking the makers of Nutella to stop using palm oil, insisting all new rooftops be covered in solar panels…

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Abortion activists launch airborne 'abortion drone' to air-drop abortion pills to citizens

(NaturalNews) Activism appears to have a new ally: drone technology.Those who fought to make abortion legal in the West likely never envisioned a time when pro-abortion activists would use drones to air-drop abortifacients – so-called “morning after” pills – to pro-choice recipients…

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Pope Francis slams GMO and chemical companies for destroying health and environment for profit

(NaturalNews) A controversial new encyclical by Pope Francis set for release by the Vatican casts blame for worsening environmental damage on technology that is in common use today. In particular, the pontiff blames agricultural and fossil fuel technology for destroying ecosystems…

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EXCLUSIVE: Taiwan gay rights activist arrested, released on NT$1 million bail, banned from international travel, assets seized after death stemming from 'rainbow party' fireball that injured 500

(NaturalNews) Taiwan gay rights activist and “rainbow party” (Color Play) organizer Zhong Ji Lu was taken into custody by Taiwan police today for his role in the massive, deadly fireball that rained down upon 500 youth celebrating over the weekend. He was questioned and released on…

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Greek debt default is now inevitable, government officials say prepare now for systemic collapse

(NaturalNews) We have been tracking and reporting on the worsening economic situation in Greece now for more than a year, and it appears as though our earlier predictions – that the broke Mediterranean nation would eventually default on bailout loans it received in 2012, under…

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Bought-off California lawmakers approve SB 277 mandatory vaccination law

(NaturalNews) Health freedom advocates are rallying to stop California Governor Jerry Brown from signing into law Senate Bill 277, which threatens to eliminate the freedom of parents to opt their children out of vaccines for personal or philosophical reasons. Reports indicate that…

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The radish is linked to cardiovascular, urinary health, among other benefits

(NaturalNews) The warmer months are upon us, and so the craving for fresh, cooling foods becomes commonplace. A winter of roasted and toasty warm dishes gives way to the desire for lighter fare. If you are looking to add some tang and a burst of refreshing flavor to your spring and…

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Monday, June 29, 2015

Amazon.com caught lying about Confederate flag censorship while supporting terror groups

(NaturalNews) In the aftermath of the tragic shooting at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., Internet retailers have scrambled to remove the Confederate flag from their online stores. Amazon also participated in this misguided gesture of political correctness. Yet instead…

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Society gone mad: Three new Counterthink posters reveal the absurd contradictions of the delusional mob now defacing America

(NaturalNews) As we enter the final chapter of America – characterized by obscene delusions and widespread insanity at every level – sometimes you have to laugh at the absurdity of it all.That’s what I do with Counterthink cartoons, which have traditionally poked fun at Big…

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Fraudulent Big Pharma science leads to half a million psych drug deaths every year

(NaturalNews) Psychiatric drugs kill an estimated 500,000 people per year, looking only at people over age 65 living in Western countries, according to an analysis conducted by a world-renowned Danish researcher.Peter Gotzsche, research director at the Nordic Cochrane Centre,…

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Greece's government to seize all private bank accounts?

(NaturalNews) The central bank of the cash-strapped Greek government has signaled that the country is liable to default on bailout loans issued by the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank by the end of June, thereby crashing out of the euro and perhaps seizing…

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Is your Paleo diet making you irritable, depressed and sleep deprived?

(NaturalNews) Struggling with mood swings, anxiety, brain fog or fatigue? If so, you may be GABA compromised. An important neurotransmitter that contributes to our overall sense of well-being, GABA production can become severely disrupted by chronic stress and during the dark winter…

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500+ gay pride youth engulfed in flames in Taiwan as Biblical-scale firestorm spontaneously ignites, raining down fire from above

(NaturalNews) A gay pride youth party in Taiwan went horribly wrong last night as a special effect consisting of huge clouds of rainbow-colored glitter particles was launched into the air over the partygoers. To the shock and horror of everyone, the metallic glitter ignited, raining…

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Wake up and smell the collapse: Greece shutters banks for 6 days... no more withdrawals... panic grips the Eurozone... total meltdown approaches

(NaturalNews) The bank holidays have begun in Greece as the banks have been shuttered for the entire coming week. As Sky News reports, “The drastic move comes after people rushed to withdraw their cash amid panic ahead of the referendum on bailout terms."Greek citizens are now…

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Rates of thyroid cancer tripled since 1975 - public water utilities continue to poison us with water fluoridation

(NaturalNews) As scientists struggle to explain why thyroid cancer rates have more than tripled in the U.S. since the mid-1970s, nobody’s addressing the elephant in the room that is artificial water fluoridation and the confirmed toxicity of fluoride chemicals when they enter the…

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SCOTUS same-sex marriage decision may have just legalized the concealed carry of loaded firearms across all 50 states, nullifying gun laws everywhere

(NaturalNews) The legal argument of gay marriage proponents is that because gay marriage is legal in a majority of states, that “right” cannot be infringed by the remaining states which opposed gay marriage. The U.S. Supreme Court, in granting this new, nationwide right to gay marriage…

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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Grape seed extract more effective than chemotherapy in advanced cancer

(NaturalNews) For patients facing a diagnosis of life-threatening cancer, the recommended cure can often be as potentially harmful to health as the disease itself. But for many of these patients, scientific research shows a natural treatment using grape seed extract may hold the key…

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The gay marriage paradox: Begging the government for a license to marry isn't freedom; it's enslavement to Big Brother

(NaturalNews) It never ceases to amaze me just how programmed the American people are to think and act like total slaves beholden to the whims of government. A U.S. Supreme Court decision last week granted gay couples the “right” to get married. While the gay community is wildly celebrating…

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The health benefits of sprouted grains

(NaturalNews) Most people who shop in health food stores, or go into the health food section of a regular grocery market, have probably seen a variety of products advertising that they are made from sprouted grains. However, while the consumption of sprouted vegetables (especially…

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California drought has neighbors stealing water from each other

(NaturalNews) There is simply no commodity on the planet more precious than water. Without it, life as we know it cannot exist. The human body can go without water for only three days at the most before death occurs.Aside from the essential survival aspects, we also depend on…

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U.S. doctors are licensed drug dealers fueling heroin addiction among patients

(NaturalNews) It’s no secret that heroin is a terrible drug that destroys lives; it’s considered one of the most addictive substances created and is so powerful that people typically experience constant cravings. While those who get wrapped up in this dark world are perceived as dangerous…

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Bill Gates is celebrated in the media for the same pandemic warnings that get other people labeled 'kooks'

(NaturalNews) What does the world’s richest man fear most?Something that, were someone in the alternative media to utter it, would invite ridicule and disdain.Yet few in the mainstream media bat an eye or bother to raise doubts when Microsoft founder Bill Gates says his biggest…

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Hospital child theft? 18 women suspect that babies they were told died are actually alive

(NaturalNews) A now-shuttered hospital facility in St. Louis, Missouri, that catered strictly to African-Americans during the days of segregation has made national news. More than a dozen women who gave birth there back in the 1950s have come forward with allegations that their children…

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Six ways to have a gentler detox this summer

(NaturalNews) It’s springtime, and with the most gluttonous holidays behind people start to evaluate their current state of health. This is a popular time for people to reach for the “detox in a box” in the hopes that the heaviness, bloating, and generally icky feelings go away.But…

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Due to extreme drought, famous Hollywood actors now living like campers in the woods; flush only after 'number two'

(NaturalNews) California remains in the grip of a record-breaking, four-year drought, and Governor Jerry Brown has called for a 25 percent reduction of water usage statewide. Cities and communities throughout the state have responded by instituting their own water usage restrictions…

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DHS, FBI refuse to protect free speech advocate from terrorist death threats; Obama regime only concerned with conservatives, Christians

(NaturalNews) Pamela Geller’s biggest problem is that she’s too white, too conservative, and too pro-Israel. That would help explain why, after being threatened with death by Islamic State terrorists, she would be left abandoned by an Obama Administration that has made its bones targeting…

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Pro-GMO corporate shill Mark Lynas exposed yet again as a self-contradicting liar

(NaturalNews) Mark Lynas, once a powerful voice of the movement against genetically modified (GM) foods, already made it clear in a long speech at the Oxford Farming Conference in 2013 that he no longer stands behind his own ideas.“I want to apologize for having spent several…

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Not just Lake Mead, Lake Powell is also headed for catastrophic drought collapse

(NaturalNews) The most precious resource on the planet is dissipating from the Southwestern United States. The two largest water reservoirs in the country are below 45 percent their normal capacity. Lake Mead, which supplies water to seven of every ten people living in Nevada, is…

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Washington Post, Time, Chicago Tribune, LA Times - all propaganda extensions of Monsanto

(NaturalNews) Long time readers of Natural News likely knew it was coming: As much as we and our audience applauded the recent decision by chain restaurant Chipotle to scrub all GMO foods and ingredients from its menus, you just knew that the decision would be criticized, and by the…

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Facebook now harvesting the list of all the other websites you visit: total online surveillance is here

(NaturalNews) If you’re one of the millions of people who have a love/hate relationship with Facebook, there are now even more reasons for hating the immensely successful social media giant.You probably know that Facebook collects and stores your personal data and preferences…

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How and why fast food is killing you one meal at a time

(NaturalNews) When it comes to our diet, taste and health should go hand in hand, with each of them being considered equally before consumption. Sure, sugary and salty concoctions taste really good, but is it really worth sacrificing your health for something tasty?Big Food thinks…

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Hillary Clinton now fleeing the public and reporters after being outed as Bride of Frankenfoods

(NaturalNews) There are a number of very good reasons why Hillary Clinton should never be elected president. The Democratic front-runner for the 2016 presidential election has been embroiled in so many scandals, it’s not easy to know where to start. The Benghazi fiasco? Emailgate…

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Has America reached a 'blue screen of death' moment? A hard reboot now seems inevitable…

(NaturalNews) In just the last week alone, America’s politicians forfeited the nation’s economic future by secretly passing fast track trade authority, California lawmakers accepted bribes from Big Pharma to legalize mass medical genocide against blacks by passing the mandatory vaccination…

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Five everyday herbs for indigestion

(NaturalNews) Most people think that indigestion is simply the result of eating a meal that is too heavy or too rich or spicy. But while it’s true that scarfing down a third cheeseburger and washing it down with a milkshake can really upset the stomach, overindulgence in food is not…

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Thursday, June 25, 2015

How to make bread healthy again

(NaturalNews) At this point, most people understand the drawbacks of wheat and why it has to be limited or eliminated from the diet. It’s not that wheat in its pure and original form is bad in and of itself, but due to over consumption, hybridization, and a high gluten content, there…

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TSA agent fakes cancer to get government-paid time off

(NaturalNews) A former TSA employee pleaded guilty on May 11 to faking cancer in order to scam other employees into letting him use their sick and vacation days.Forty-two-year-old Marc Bess admitted that, while working as a TSA agent at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International…

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Eliminate hypertension and its deadly side effects naturally

(NaturalNews) Are you sitting down? This statistic will blow your mind: About 70 million people, in the United States, have high blood pressure – that’s 1 in every 3 adults, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. To make matters worse, the financial costs…

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Amazon issues gag order to staff concerning Nazi symbols and Confederate flag

(NaturalNews) Online retail giant Amazon.com is refusing to allow its customer service representatives to answer questions about why the merchandiser has decided to end its sales of Confederate flags while continuing to permit the purchase of Nazi paraphernalia, Natural News has learned…

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Common sunscreen chemicals disrupt hormones, can lead to endometriosis and low sperm count

(NaturalNews) There’s a lot of fear and misunderstanding when it comes to the sun. Afraid of being burned, consumers are quick to lather on sunscreen chemicals to block out the sun’s rays. This is done without understanding what these chemicals are and what they do to the body’s natural…

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Vaccines and autism: Epidemic accelerates as cases in young vaccinated children explode unabated

(NaturalNews) The UK is facing an unprecedented number of new autism cases, according to new research. Figures in Scotland, which are among the most comprehensive available in the British isles, reveal that the autism rate among students at Scottish schools is up 1,360% percent since…

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Babies can live outside the womb as early as 22 weeks, science shows

(NaturalNews) A study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) will undoubtedly add more controversy to the already heated subject of abortion; it was found that premature babies are surviving earlier outside of the womb – specifically, at just 22 weeks. Furthermore…

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Berkeley orders mobile phone vendors to warn buyers of radiation risk; industry front group still hiding cancer link from public

(NaturalNews) The progressive California town of Berkeley has passed a new resolution mandating that the safety information typically buried deep within the fine print of mobile phone user manuals instead be emblazoned as a prominent safety warning that consumers will actually notice…

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MSM: Joking about dead terrorists is 'insensitive,' but making fun of vaccine-damaged children is hilarious!

(NaturalNews) Whether or not Americans have a right to free speech increasingly depends on what the purveyors of political correctness on the Left sanction as “proper” or “improper,” no matter how hypocritical, insane or outrageously insensitive.Cases in point: The dramatic differences…

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Warner Bros. pursues revisionist history to remove Confederate flag from Dukes of Hazzard car

(NaturalNews) An icon of a hit 1970s-era comedy has been reduced to a symbol of overt racism by thought and speech police who are seeking to get Americans’ minds right through demonization and attacks on the First Amendment.Now, it seems, the famous orange Dodge Charger of Dukes…

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Minnesota teen left brain dead after dental surgery to remove her wisdom teeth

(NaturalNews) A routine dental procedure suddenly descended into darkness for one Minnesota teen. When 17-year-old Sydney Galleger went in for surgery to have her wisdom teeth removed, she must have been nervous, but nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to face….

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The book burning begins: Movies, book covers and computer games being banished... calls for taking down the American flag, bulldozing Southern memorials, removing flags from children's toys and more

(NaturalNews) America’s descent into a totalitarian regime of hysterical thought police is nearly complete. In just the last 72 hours, total P.C. insanity has swept the nation and all its big retailers as howling leftist maniacs have used the label “tolerance” to initiate what can…

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