Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Longer hours on the job linked to risky alcohol use, workplace inefficiencies, and bad health

(NaturalNews) Many studies have touted the benefits of drinking alcohol in moderation, perhaps the most widely-studied one revolving around red wine. While some have felt that the red wine/health link is nothing more than hype, others have found that its organic compound reservatrol…

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Cigarettes end life early for two out of every three smokers: New study published

(NaturalNews) More than 200,000 Australians — smokers and non-smokers — took part in a research study which ultimately revealed that death from cigarette use is much higher than doctors previously estimated. The journal BMC Medicine reported that smoking just 10 cigarettes daily…

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Easy and effective natural teeth whitener

(NaturalNews) Coffee, tea, soda, red wine, and soy sauce are some of the most commonly consumed substances that can stain your teeth. There are several options for removing tooth stains and they range in cost from pennies to nearly a thousand dollars. Methods used include gels, trays…

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World-famous scientist Jane Goodall condemns GMO food and fraudulent industry 'science'

(NaturalNews) If Europe weakens its standards to allow the cultivation and import of untested genetically modified organisms (GMOs), it will be making a monumental and irreversible mistake based on corporate lies and pseudoscience. This was the emphatic warning recently given by primate…

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Natural licorice compound helps the body protect skin from sun damage

(NaturalNews) A chemical extracted from licorice root may help protect the skin from the damage caused by the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation - without blocking that radiation and interfering with vitamin D synthesis - according to a study conducted by researchers from Beiersdorf…

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Only biotech-funded studies claim GMOs are safe: Independent scientists warn otherwise

(NaturalNews) The general consensus on the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is that there really is no consensus at all, at least not among independent scientists looking honestly and unbiasedly at the issue. A peer-reviewed evaluation of the cohort of published literature…

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New cell towers and smart meters increase radiation exposure across Los Angeles

(NaturalNews) For a planned county communications system called LA-RICS, new cell towers are being installed at fire stations across Los Angeles County. They are being installed overnight without any notice to residents. All environmental regulations and required studies have been…

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Democrat introduces federal bill to criminalize citizen ownership of protective body armor

(NaturalNews) Some House Democrats have introduced legislation that would make it illegal for civilians to protect themselves from being shot.Rep. Michael Honda, D-California, introduced a measure last summer that would prohibit the purchase, ownership or possession of enhanced…

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Dr. Suzanne Humphries exposes myths and lies behind vaccine research at the Vaccine World Summit

(NaturalNews) If you haven’t visited the first ever Vaccine World Summit, feel free to sign up now and start learning today! The online event, hosted by Jonathan Landsman of Natural Health 365, is a free learning portal that includes presentations from a variety of professionals who…

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Brazil's world-famous beaches now hazardous to health due to human pollution

(NaturalNews) People are doing more than just relaxing on the sands of Brazil’s breathtaking beaches and because of their bad habits, the beaches are fast-becoming a contamination nightmare, laden with human health hazards. Ironically, it’s the humans themselves that are responsible…

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San Diego sues Monsanto for poisoning environment and wildlife with toxic chemicals

(NaturalNews) The city of San Diego, California recently initiated a lawsuit against Monsanto, home of GMO-produced foods, dangerous chemicals such as glyphosate and of course, denial.The lawsuit was filed in federal court claiming that Monsanto is polluting the San Diego Bay…

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Treat depression naturally with these nutrient supplements

(NaturalNews) Many experts consider depression to be one of the biggest public health concerns of the 21st century. According to the World Health Organization, depression, which is characterized by a persistent state of pessimism and inactivity, is the leading cause of disability…

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Same leftist media attacking Indiana's religious freedom law openly supports doctors discriminating against parents who avoid vaccines for religious reasons

(NaturalNews) Bigotry is totally acceptable in America, according to the leftist media, as long as that bigotry targets the “correct” groups of minorities. Case in point: The same leftist media now engaged in mass hysteria over Indiana’s religious freedom law — falsely claiming the…

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Rate of deadly, drug-resistant superbug infections at U.S. hospitals surges

(NaturalNews) Pharmacies give away antibiotics out their drive-thru window like Tootsie Rolls being tossed out in a parade. Doctors prescribe this candy medicine like it’s some kind of all-around wonder drug. When we look at the actual science of antibiotics, they turn out to be less…

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If toxins in cigarettes are unsafe to INHALE, then why are toxins in vaccines supposed to be safe to INJECT?

(NaturalNews) First, doctors were telling us that cigarettes were good for us and good for digestion. But we know better. Now, they’re telling us that vaccines are safe. Again, we know better. Still, vaccines are encouraged.Like the old saying goes, “They’ll get you coming or…

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Attempts to silence Dr. Wakefield from testifying fail after Washington, Oregon reject forced vaccinations

(NaturalNews) Despite being blocked from providing testimony before the Oregon legislature about the vital need to preserve both informed consent and exemption options for “mandatory” vaccinations, Dr. Andrew Wakefield was able to witness a major health freedom victory in the state…

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CPS kidnaps teen after heart attack, misdiagnoses mother with Munchausen by proxy

(NaturalNews) If ever there was a story that’ll leave you scratching your head and wondering what’s wrong with this world, it’s the case of Anne Giroux and her teenage son, Kevin.The story begins in 2009 with Kevin having chest pains along with shortness of breath. Despite numerous…

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Is the Paleo Diet the healthiest diet to hit mainstream?

(NaturalNews) The paleo diet has been around for more than forty years, but recently, it has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity. At present, it is one of the most popular diet trends in America.This comeback in popularity is due in part to its new supporters, including the Crossfit…

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Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, to be featured speaker at 'Home Grown Food Summit'

(NaturalNews) Natural News Editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, will be a featured speaker at an upcoming, free online event called the “Home Grown Food Summit,” in which dozens of presenters will provide information about how to secure your own food freedom.Adams’ most recent…

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Billionaire investor warns of coming central bank collapse followed by gold seizure

(NaturalNews) They say history may not always repeat itself, but it often rhymes. The worsening debt scenario in the U.S. and abroad could become a case in point.It’s not something that today’s kids will likely learn in civics class (if they even have a civics class), but it was…

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"Rollie pollies" remove heavy metals from soil, stabilizing growing conditions, protecting groundwater

(NaturalNews) Turn over a brick or a board that has been lying in the yard for a while and underneath you may find a collection of pill bugs scurrying about. Also known as “rollie pollies” or woodlice, these grey-colored creatures can be found in many dark, moist environments feeding…

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Founder of LXR Organics explains how he developed a healthy product with super clean ingredients

(NaturalNews) Most topical acne products on the market today are nothing more than cheap blends of toxic, skin-drying chemicals that both fail to address the root causes of acne and promote rapid aging. But a revolutionary new product line developed by a sharp young man with a family…

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Pro-terrorist Cornell University takes money from globalist Bill Gates to push GMOs destroying America

(NaturalNews) Using financing from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ivy League Cornell University’s Alliance for Science has launched a multi-million-dollar broadside against a small food-oriented public interest group as a means of pushing genetically modified organisms to new…

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Four proven natural remedies for chronic inflammation

(NaturalNews) At the root of any serious disease lies chronic inflammation. Normally a beneficial response by the body to heal itself, it becomes problematic when this process is initiated 24-7. Symptoms are expressed in a wide variety of ways, most notably through pain.This has…

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Study: cannabis among safest therapeutic substances; alcohol more dangerous than heroin and cocaine

(NaturalNews) The hypocrisy of many prohibitionists who condemn legal cannabis by day while imbibing on beer, wine and liquor by night was highlighted recently after researchers demonstrated that alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs available, exceeding both cocaine and heroin…

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GMO critics vindicated: Biotech corporations were pushing fraud all along

(NaturalNews) The sordid sequence of events that opened the floodgates for the genetic takeover of the American food supply — that is, the mass introduction of untested genetically-engineered (GE) food ingredients on the sly — is outlined in an eye-opening new book by American public…

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Monday, March 30, 2015

Isn't it obvious? If Operation Jade Helm were happening in any other country, it would be immediately labeled a military drill for martial law

(NaturalNews) I’m always amazed at how people can be programmed by the mainstream media to ignore the obvious reality happening right in front of their eyes. Right now, America is being lulled into a hypnotic sense of denial while military training for martial law is happening right…

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Brain health - Why some football players are retiring early

(NaturalNews) We often hear that professional football players are in the best shape of their lives. Their level of fitness cannot be denied, but what about their overall health, specifically their brain health? There has been increasing concern over the long-term effects of the concussions…

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Thousands of Indian farmers protest GMO corporate imperialism in Delhi

(NaturalNews) The massive insurrection against the Modi Government and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) coalition on March 18, 2015 by the major agricultural unions of India has led to a widespread launch of lobbying regarding farmer’s rights and farmer cost of living allocations…

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Arthritis - How to relieve the pain and heal naturally

(NaturalNews) Arthritis is painful inflammation of one or more joints in the body. There are more than 100 types of arthritis, though the best-known types are osteoarthritis (which breaks down cartilage), rheumatoid arthritis (which is an autoimmune disorder affecting the lining of…

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Government directly admits vaccines cause injury and death in table published by HHS

(NaturalNews) You might want to sit down for this one.The government is not quite known for always being on the up-and-up when it comes to reporting certain information and making public what the public deserves to know. Information in documents has been blacked out with marker…

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Lawmakers declare vaccines essential to 'national security' after taking money from Big Pharma

(NaturalNews) Like clockwork, the Disneyland measles false flag has predictably evolved into a national call for medical fascism, as politicians from both sides of the aisle unequivocally throw their support behind the jab agenda, which is right now pushing to eliminate vaccine exemptions…

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CERN scientists discover elusive "Obama particle" which destroys economies on contact (satire)

(NaturalNews) In a stunning breakthrough that’s sure to result in dozens of Nobel Prizes being awarded to somebody, scientists at the CERN Large Hadron Collider have discovered the elusive “Obama particle” by slamming the U.S. economy into a brick wall at 99.999% of the speed of a…

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Doctor faked AIDS vaccine research just to get federal money -- vaccine fraud happens more often then you might think

(NaturalNews) A former Iowa State University scientist who was indicted for faking the results of vaccine trials has pleaded guilty to misconduct, according to new reports. Dr. Dong Pyou Han admitted in a resignation letter that he is “very ashamed” of himself for lying about the…

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Breast cancer overdiagnosis remains widespread: Women routinely subjected to unneccesary chemo and radiation

(NaturalNews) Health experts are becoming increasingly concerned about the problem of breast cancer overdiagnosis: Women who, because of mammogram recommendations, are subjected to excruciating surgery, radiation or chemotherapy to treat cancers that never would have become dangerous…

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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Vitamin B supplementation can cut stroke risk by 21 percent

(NaturalNews) Stroke is a leading cause of death throughout the world, and it is responsible for the most deaths in China. Prevention before a first stroke occurs — often called primary prevention — is of the utmost in importance, because most strokes — about 77 percent — can…

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NBC News admits most doctors are spacing out vaccine schedules to reduce risk

(NaturalNews) NBC News, home of the Brian Williams forced-down helicopter war-story-turned-lie and the news outlet that often encourages vaccinations through its reporting, is dipping its toe (thankfully) in an area that most mainstream media outlets don’t dare approach.What did…

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Bill Nye aligns himself with greatest science fraud of the century: GMO 'safety'

(NaturalNews) Many of today’s young adults grew up watching him on public access television. But Bill Nye “the Science Guy” has taken an unfortunate turn for the worse as it pertains to his position on genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), degenerating rather suddenly from an honest…

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31% of Americans want checks and balances removed so Obama can rule with absolute power

(NaturalNews) Should President Obama be permitted to ignore federal court rulings if he wants? A surprisingly large number of Americans — over one in four — think so.As federal courts examine the merits of some of President Obama’s most important legislative and Executive actions…

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Dr. David Brownstein to be a featured speaker for "Truth About Cancer" series

(NaturalNews) Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., a board-certified family practitioner and one of the foremost experts on holistic medicine, will be a featured speaker at an upcoming online event discussing natural treatment cures for cancer.The free, 11-part series, which begins March…

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Making real, natural butter in the comfort of your own home is easy

(NaturalNews) While most people don’t realize how simple it is to make fresh homemade organic butter, others will happily think back to their childhood when reading this article.In the past, butter-making, or churning, was something fun to do with the kids. However, over the years…

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California farmers begin selling water instead of crops as drought reaches critical stage

(NaturalNews) California farmers are making more money selling water than planting their fields in some cases. The rice industry in the Sacramento Valley has really been struggling with this year’s drought. Some farmers are choosing not to plant this year and are cashing in on their…

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Italian surgeon shocks: Head transplants nearly a reality

(NaturalNews) It sounds like something out of a grotesque science fiction movie but it’s not: An Italian doctor has said that, in about two years, the technology will exist for surgeons to attach the head of a living person to another body.As reported by Britain’s Guardian newspaper…

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California State University bans Christian clubs, calls them "discriminatory"

(NaturalNews) The Left’s war on organized religion is continuing, especially on the nation’s college and university campuses, those bastions of “tolerance” that are actually becoming zones of speech control.In particular, Christians are becoming an endangered species, especially…

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Eight hard-hitting facts about cancer

(NaturalNews) Cancer can be incredibly scary, especially when you don’t understand how to prevent the onset through incorporation of a healthy and holistic lifestyle that addresses all the core factors that facilitate its development. Unfortunately, avoidance of this deadly disease…

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Medical establishment forces psych meds on one million children just because of their birth date

(NaturalNews) If you have a young child, better watch out: She or he may be misdiagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) simply because of their age.That’s right, your daughter or son could be linked with a behavioral condition for no other reason than the…

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News publishers take down truthful stories reporting vaccine damaged children after being threatened by vaccine fanatics

(NaturalNews) A popular Canadian media outlet recently decided to pull a story that it published back in January about the dangers of the Gardasil vaccine for HPV (manufactured by Merck & Co.) after “some doctors and public health officials” reportedly raised a stink about its content…

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Schools now indoctrinating 4-year-olds with guilt, labeling them "racist" for asking questions

(NaturalNews) Reading and writing skill standards have dropped considerably along with other language skills, especially English. When it comes to actually educating children, schools are really nothing more than daycare warehouses for children to become conditioned for corporate…

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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Psychiatric medications found in home of Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz, who underwent 18 months of psychiatric 'treatment'

(NaturalNews) Just as Natural News publicly predicted in a widely-circulated article entitled Germanwings jetliner catastrophe: The first antidepressant drug-induced mass murder of the skies?, psychiatric drugs have now been located and identified by law enforcement authorities searching…

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"America's Pharmacist" to speak at Diabetes World Summit

(NaturalNews) Suzy Cohen, RPh, who is more popularly known as “America’s Most Trusted Pharmacist®,” is one of dozens of speakers scheduled to appear at the upcoming Diabetes World Summit.Cohen, who has dedicated her professional life to the advancement of natural…

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