Thursday, December 31, 2015

TV news anchors are 'human puppets'... The 2016 police state accelerates... living the greenie Big Oil LIE... new batch of Health Ranger podcasts posted to SoundCloud

(NaturalNews) In addition to posting all my new podcasts on and iTunes, I’ve just opened up a new SoundCloud account to carry all my new audio commentary.Now you can get my informed, intelligent and totally uncensored commentary almost any way you wish!…

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Video of mock mass shooting event in Austin reveals many truths about media, gun control and the public's perception of both

(NaturalNews) A video compilation of the recently held mock mass shooting event near the University of Texas-Austin campus, aimed at highlighting how “gun-free zones” lead to more mass murder and make people less safe, has been posted online.The video, which is edited and set…

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HTTP Error 451 now adopted as global standard for web pages that are censored by governments

(NaturalNews) Authoritarian governments all over the world – including some that are supposed to be democracies – are increasing their control over content exchanged on the Internet, because the only way they can continue controlling the various issue-oriented narratives…

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Natural News announces recipients of the 2015 Corrupt Journalist Awards

(NaturalNews) In recent days, Natural News published the names of the 2015 Journalist Courage Awards to recognize some of the country’s most innovative and fearless investigative journalists dedicated to honest reporting. Conversely, today we announce the names of journalistic hacks…

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Politically correct school memory-holes Huckleberry Finn to protect High School juniors from feeling 'uncomfortable' over the 'N word' despite anti-racist theme

(NaturalNews) These days, with sensitivity about speech on hyper-drive, even classic literature written for the times is deemed unfit for consumption and memory-holed, rather than utilized as a teaching moment about how far our society has come in matters of acceptance.As reported…

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Is the flu shot effective or just a big government-endorsed scam?

(NaturalNews) Nearly every person who lines up for the flu shot is given no information about the vaccine. If people were given the vaccine insert to read, for example, they’d learn that it’s never been scientifically tested at all.GlaxoSmithKline’s FluLaval insert states that…

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Fukushima radiation causes debilitating deformities in US Navy sailors

(NaturalNews) U.S. Navy sailors and Marines dispatched to provide aid to Japan following the massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011 are now suffering a variety of rare and undiagnosed health problems, including many involving horrifying and visible changes to their bodies.After…

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Black Muslim charged with carrying out false-flag arson attack on mosque to incite hatred against white Christians

(NaturalNews) It’s bad enough that professional racialists, religion baiters and other assorted ne'er-do-wells are trying to keep Americans riled up and divided over the various issues related to matters of ethnicity and faith, but now community-level provocateurs are getting into…

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Are children as valuable as money? Elitists demand banks have armed guards while schoolchildren are left as defenseless targets for crazed shooters

(NaturalNews) It is hard to remember a presidential administration that is as anti-Second Amendment as the Obama White House, to the point that it would prefer that ordinary Americans (to include schoolchildren), should literally be put at risk and killed.But that’s what the Obama…

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Reverse coronary artery disease safely and naturally

(NaturalNews) Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common form of heart disease – killing about 370,000 people (every year) in the United States alone. Sadly, for most people, the first warning sign of heart trouble is a heart attack – often ending in premature death…

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Vaccine uptake reaches all-time lows, policy shifts to mandatory enforcement and criminalization for refusal

(NaturalNews) History is being made on how the world is responding to vaccination. Even long-term health professionals are refusing to vaccinate themselves in the face of continued injury and death being caused by the practice. Almost half of healthcare professionals are now refusing…

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Ranger Gear giving away 5,000+ folding credit card knives for ONE PENNY each (while supplies last)

(NaturalNews) I was trying to announce this two weeks ago, but U.S. Customs flagged our survival gear for a special “weapons inspection” that delayed everything. The shipment was cleared by Customs, of course, which is why I’m able to announce this now: I’m giving away 5,000+ folding…

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CPS kidnaps three children after loving family seeks medical help

(NaturalNews) It’s happening all across the nation, but it’s something state and medical authorities are afraid to discuss. It’s something called medical kidnapping - the warrant-less seizure of children based on mere suspicion of child abuse. For example, if a parent disagrees with…

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Why America's healthcare system has transformed into an unlucky lottery

(NaturalNews) Most of us are fully aware that America’s healthcare system is a complete disaster, and has only worsened following the implementation of Obamacare. Bestselling investigative journalist Donald L. Barlett breaks down this scenario in his book, Critical Condition: How…

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Exclusive new tool from the Health Ranger instantly blocks hackers trying to steal your identity via RFID hacking

(NaturalNews) The last thing you’re probably thinking about as you wrap up your holiday shopping is the possibility that identity thieves might be trying to steal your credit and debit cards, drivers license or other personal information right out of your wallet or purse – and…

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Deadly, soulless police robots coming soon to a street near you

(NaturalNews) The late 1980s sci-fi flick RoboCop featured a half-man, half-robotic creature that was deployed to the mean, decaying streets of Detroit in a bid to replace human police officers (and save money).In an early scene, a full robot was being demonstrated by its corporate…

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SHOCK: 71 percent of U.S. youth too obese or over-medicated to qualify for the U.S. Army Reserve

(NaturalNews) A shocking 7 out of 10 potential Army Reserve candidates are unfit to serve their country due to obesity, prescription drug addictions and other reasons.As reported in The Washington Times, “According to Army Recruiting Command statistics compiled last year, 71 percent…

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Babies born hooked on opiates; others over-medicated by doctors

(NaturalNews) The birth of a baby should be a joyous occasion for a family. However, over the past decade, over 130,000 babies in the United States have been born with drug addictions, making the experience anything but happy. Many times, the babies – if they’re lucky enough…

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Natural News announces recipients of the 2015 Bad Science Awards

(NaturalNews) Not even a day seems to go by anymore without some whack job in academia, a public health department or even the entertainment industry spewing pseudoscientific nonsense in defense of vaccines, pharmaceuticals or government-run healthcare. And the year 2015 was notably…

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Animal cognition may have much in common with humans, study shows

(NaturalNews) Although animals don’t speak human languages, they are able to learn in ways similar to Homo sapiens. The University of Iowa has found that pigeons, with a brain no larger than a dime, can categorize and name natural and man made objects like humans do. In their initial…

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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Medical Mafia threatens to take doctor's license to punish his charitable service

(NaturalNews) In many regions of America, even in the 21st century, poverty is pandemic, services are few and far between, and people learn to simply make due with what they have.So it makes sense that Americans who live in these poverty-stricken regions value everything they…

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Big Pharma's painkillers causing drug abuse epidemics across 80% of U.S. workplaces

(NaturalNews) According to a survey conducted by the National Safety Council (NSC), a whopping 80 percent of employees in Indiana have felt the effects of prescription drug misuse and abuse. However, it’s not just an Indiana issue, but one that is widespread across the United States…

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Leftists ignore root of problem behind mass shootings; call for disarming US citizens to cover up symptoms

(NaturalNews) When a drunk driver decides to get into a vehicle and joyride around town, only to crash into another vehicle and kill someone, society recognizes that the driver, not the vehicle, is responsible for the resultant carnage. The same is true for the irresponsible biker…

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Political correctness is really just herd psychology pushed by insecure people who desperately seek social conformity

(NaturalNews) Thanks to the hilarious emergence of an entire new vocabulary of P.C. victimization and whining – based on brain-warping concepts like “microaggressions” and “safe spaces” – the very nature of P.C. is now being scrutinized by more and more people.What is P.C.,…

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NEW LOW for lunatic leftist media as The Washington Post publishes cartoon depicting Ted Cruz's daughters as monkeys on a leash

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media is shameless in its hypocrisy and diabolical in its treatment of any political opponent who is a) conservative, and b) viewed as a threat to the liberal/media establishment. Apparently, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, one of the true conservatives running…

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LA 'terrorism hell' scenario: San Bernardino killers planned to attack clogged freeways, trapping Americans on roads to execute them en masse

(NaturalNews) Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, the couple accused of murdering 14 people at a holiday work party in San Bernardino, had also planned to blow up vehicles on crowded Southern California freeways, claim officials investigating this highly publicized case of domestic…

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Former host Rebekah Roth exposed as possible government plant sent to infiltrate 'truth movement'

(NaturalNews) Regular listeners of may remember host Rebekah Roth. She was recently dropped from the network after it became apparent that, frankly, she was not who she said she was and, in fact, may even have been an agent provocateur whose mission is to disrupt and…

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Glyphosate, vaccines and fluoride are destroying our spiritual connection

(NaturalNews) We constantly stimulate our senses to keep ourselves entertained, burying our eyes in light devices and material things. We look for places where we can belong, filling bar stools and sanctuary pews with blank stares and closed hearts. Our physical bodies congregate…

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Natural News announces recipients of the 2015 Courageous Science Awards

(NaturalNews) Each year, Natural News selects some of the most courageous scientists and researchers in the U.S. and abroad whose work is not co-opted by special interests or bought-and-paid-for by corporations. Generally, that includes scientists who produce replicable data on foods…

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Monday, December 28, 2015

Natural News announces recipients of the 2015 Celebrity Courage Awards

(NaturalNews) This past year saw a great number of celebrities who took a stand for liberty, personal responsibility, freedom and truth, and Natural News wanted to take the opportunity to recognize – and salute – them.Jessica Alba: Ms. Alba believes that clean, GMO…

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Government continues to neglect veterans as PTSD epidemic explodes

(NaturalNews) It’s a problem that veterans have had to face after every war throughout U.S. history, even if it wasn’t always called the same thing.Whether it has been referred to as “shell shock,” or “battle fatigue,” or by its most modern incarnation, “post-traumatic stress…

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New Hampshire to introduce bacon-flavored scratch-n-sniff lottery tickets, because ideas can never be too stupid for government-run lotto schemes

(NaturalNews) What’s the most mathematically inept financial decision anyone can make? It’s betting on government-run lotto schemes. According to financial expert Dave Ramsey, “The odds of winning a lottery are literally about one in 125 million.” Ramsey reports that a person is …

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Protecting your gut flora could help prevent type 1 diabetes

(NaturalNews) Trillions of minuscule cells occupy the human body. Surprisingly, most of them aren’t human, but instead are microbial in nature, meaning they’re made up of bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists and viruses.Together, these microbes constitute the “human microbiome,…

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BBC fires radio host for questioning the theory of global warming

(NaturalNews) There are so many questions surrounding the theory of global warming. Every square mile of the Earth’s surface is changing in temperature, up and down, hour by hour. In all practicality, it’s impossible to measure and declare that the collective Earth is perpetually…

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America's wealth gap reaches new record; societal tensions rise as economic collapse looms

(NaturalNews) The gap between upper-income and middle-class Americans is greater than ever, according to a recent study published by the Pew Research Institute.The report, based on data from the Federal Reserve, indicates that the median wealth for high-income families is now…

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Cancer ISN'T all in your genes: Up to 90% of cases 'could be wiped out by avoiding triggers caused by our unhealthy lifestyles'

(NaturalNews) A study published in the journal Nature reinforces what health-minded people have long-known: lifestyle plays a huge role in whether or not a person develops cancer; it’s not solely relegated to their genes. As such, behaviors like eating healthy foods and not smoking…

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Armed civilians save lives and reduce the number killed in mass shootings ... Citizens can respond in 10 seconds (cops take 10 minutes)

(NaturalNews) To hear the anti-Second Amendment Left tell it, carrying a firearm for protection – of one’s self and of the lives of those around him or her – is a myth perpetuated by the NRA and other gun rights groups and firearm manufacturers.Writing in the Huffington…

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Sunday, December 27, 2015

How to decrease your risk for a heart attack; the experts weigh in

(NaturalNews) Heart disease kills more than 600,000 Americans each year – making it the most deadly killer in the United States. But the good news is that there are many things you can do to decrease your risk of succumbing to this all too common killer. Written by Matthew Budoff…

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Influential elites revealed as extreme 'Christianophobes' who call for genocide, eugenics

(NaturalNews) A pair of sociologists at the University of North Texas are warning in a new book that, while there is no widespread “Christianophobia” in the United States, there is a small group of those who have a real aversion to the conservative, religious and faithful, and they…

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The six laws of survival: Strategies for beating the worst case scenario

(NaturalNews) ReadyNutrition Guys and Gals, we just finished a series on how to escape from Bill Ayers’ Summer Reeducation Camp[1] (or Gulag 17, depending on the situation). Now we will cover one of the most important elements of all: How to stay out of the “Happy” Camp…

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UK considers dropping unsustainable socialist healthcare system

(NaturalNews) Touted by American progressives as a gold standard of care that the U.S. should utilize and that Obamacare sought to mimic in many ways, the top physician for Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) has claimed it is “not fit for the future,” and without major changes…

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Teen recovers from Walking Corpse Syndrome: some people believe they are the living dead

(NaturalNews) Walking corpse syndrome is a very rare neurological disease, formerly known as Cotard’s Syndrome or Cotard’s Delusion, named after the French neurologist Jules Cotard. Cotard’s observations with his patient, Mademoiselle X, earned him the right to have the disease to…

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Author Brad Thor calls for 'constitutional warrior' to run for President and fix our broken system

(NaturalNews) Best-selling author Brad Thor, unquestionably the king of the modern-day political thriller, has a message for Reince Priebus, head of the Republican National Committee: If former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush becomes the GOP presidential nominee in 2016, the party can write…

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Sacramento officials caught secretly adding cancer-causing chemicals to the water supply

(NaturalNews) For over a year, California’s capital city had been poisoning the public water supply – in secret – with chemicals that are known carcinogens, and that have never been approved for use in the water treatment process. This was the disturbing finding of a recent…

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Saturday, December 26, 2015

2015 year in review: 29 trends and events that just reshaped history (and may end in collapse or civil war)

(NaturalNews) I’ve analyzed what I think are the 29 most important trends and events from 2015 along with how I think they’ll impact us all in 2016 and beyond.This analysis is now published as a series of six podcasts on Here are the bullet points of the…

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Microscopic metal orb discovered in Earth's stratosphere could be origin of terrestrial life

(NaturalNews) After making an interesting discovery in Earth’s stratosphere, one astrobiologist is suggesting that aliens are trying to make contact with other planets. Dr. Milton Wainwright, a scientist from the University of Sheffield and Buckingham, says his team has collected…

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Washington group proposes composting the dead to use as garden soil

(NaturalNews) If you were given the choice of how your body should be handled after you depart from this level of existence, which of the following would you choose: Normal burial in a cemetery plot, cremation with ashes in an urn or decomposition into compost for planting trees or…

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US oil drillers headed for imminent financial collapse due to suppressed oil prices

(NaturalNews) The collapse in the price of oil and gasoline due to major increases in global supply has been a financial boon to tens of millions of cash-strapped Americans still struggling to earn a living in a stagnant economy.But while consumers are breathing a sigh of relief…

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Food as an investment - Preparing now for a food crisis

(NaturalNews) People all over the US are feeling a sudden pinch on their food budgets. This is a result of a convergence of events that have spiked prices for everyday items like meat, eggs, dairy but also natural events like drought, floods, snow. (Story by Ray Gano, republished…

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Ants have been domesticating cultivated crops for 50 million years, research reveals

(NaturalNews) Humans have been domesticating and cultivating agricultural crops for only slightly more than 10,000 years. In contrast, species of ants have been cultivating crops for 50 million years – so long that the ants and their crops have co-evolved to become dependent on each…

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